Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny #2 (POTO, Sequel to #1)

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 When your family joins Raoul and his brother in the countryside for the weekend, you thought that perhaps Raoul's ladylove Christine Daae would be joining you. But when you meet with the brothers, she is nowhere to be found.

 "Will Ms. Daae be joining us?" you ask Raoul.

 You noticed the moment you first saw him that his smile was fake, that he was only pretending to be happy. The fake smile disappears completely when you say her name, and his brother Philippe steps up and says, "Miss Daae will not be joining us on the trip."

 "Oh. I see." You look back at Raoul, trying to make eye contact with him, but he keeps his eyes averted. 

 For the rest of the day, Raoul is silent and sullen, and barely speaks an entire sentence. What could have happened, you wonder? Had Christine left him? Lord, she couldn't be dead, could she? No, if she were dead, he would be in an even worse shape. 

 You get him alone the next day for a walk on the grounds.

 "What happened?" you ask him. "And tell me the truth, because I will know if you lie."

 He sighs. "Christine left me. She went back to be with him."

 "And who exactly is this him?"

 "Her Opera Ghost, obviously. The Angel of Music. I told you all about that madness at the opera house, didn't I? Well, it turns out it was a madman all along. And Christine loves him. She didn't...love me enough to marry me."

 "Oh, Raoul. It may not have worked, anyway. Men of your social stature do not marry women of Christine's, and certainly not a woman involved in such a disaster."

 "I know," he says, "But we could have been different. I loved her. I still do." He sighs again. "I'm sorry I didn't pay more attention to you before. I should have, because you're usually right when you tell me things. It's only been a few weeks, but Philippe wants me to forget about it and move on."

 "I think he only has your best interests in mind," you say.

 "I know he does, but he doesn't understand. I don't think he knows what it's like to truly be in love the way I was, the way I am."

 "Raoul," you take his hand in yours, "I know you. This is painful now, yes, but you will be able to move past it. I know you will."

 He nods, looking into your eyes. "Yes. You're right, as is usual. I can move forward, however sooner or later, and I know you will be there to help me."

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