Tony Stark + Steve Rogers

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 You have been dating Steve Rogers for a few months now. The two of you have fun together, and enjoy each other's company. You think you might even be falling in love with him.

 One day, you go to the Avengers Tower looking for him. He's been kind of busy recently, so you want to come looking for him yourself and surprise him. You know a lot of the people there, so you're let in and told that Steve is in the middle of the meeting. You decide to sit down somewhere and wait for him, and ask that someone let him know you're here.

 After a few minutes, you hear, "I've seen you around before, haven't I? Y/N, right?"

 You look up to see Tony Stark walk into the room. You've never really talked to him before; Steve only introduced you once, and there seemed to be some tension between them.

 "Yes, that's me," you say a little hesitantly.

 "I thought so. I guess I shouldn't ask if you know who I am. Pretty much everyone does." He sits down in one of the other chairs. "And I'm sure Rogers has told you something terrible about me."

 "Actually, I don't think he has," you say. "He doesn't really talk about you at all."

 "Huh. You know, I think that might actually be worse than him saying something terrible about me. So, did you come here looking for him?"

 You nod. "He's been kind of busy lately, and I wanted to see him, surprise him."

 You wait quietly, staring down at the floor. You don't hear Tony get to leave, and he doesn't say anything. At one point, you look up and see him staring at you. "What?"

 "Oh, nothing," he says. "Just wondering why you're dating Rogers."

 "Excuse me?"

 "No, it's not an insult," he says quickly. "Well, not to you, at least. I just mean, what's an obviously nice and caring person like you, someone who I can tell is the kind of person who likes to have fun, doing with a guy like Steve Rogers?"

 "I like Steve," you say. "A lot. He's a great person."

 Tony shrugs. "Well, I guess I can't argue with that. Not a very fun person, though."

 "Y/N?" Steve walks into the room just then. "What are you doing here?"

 "I came to see you." You get up and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Can we go?"

 "Yeah, of course. I was actually going to come find you." He nods to Tony. "Stark."

 Tony nods back. "Rogers."

 You and Steve leave the tower hand-in-hand. You glance back at Tony as you go, and see him watching you.

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