Jefferson #1

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 You open your eyes and look around. You have no idea where you are, and you're not quite sure how you got here. You really thought you had the right portal, but maybe you were wrong.

 You get back up on your feet and take in your surroundings. This place you're in looks like some kind of maze. If you can get out of it, maybe you can find your way home.

 You walk on and on, taking various turns along different paths. Soon enough, you realize you're lost; no matter how many different paths you take, every place looks like a part you've already been through.

 When you're beginning to wonder if you'll ever get out of this place, you hear a voice ask, "Lost, are you?"

 You turn around to see a man leaning against the hedges.

 "Who are you?" you ask.

 "Of course that's the first thing you'd ask," he says. "Well, you look like someone who's lost. It's easy to get yourself lost in Wonderland."

 "Wonderland?" you repeat. "Is that where I am?"

 "Oh, yes. You must be lost if you don't even know where you are. I can help you out of here if you like."

 "But I don't know you."

 "And I don't know you, but I'm willing to help you, aren't I? Name's Jefferson, also known as the Mad Hatter. And you?"

 You hesitate before saying, "I'm Y/N. Do you really know the way out of here?"

 "Of course I do," he answers. "Come with me, Y/N. Let's get you home, wherever that may be."

 He holds out his arm, and you take it, letting him lead you through the maze.

 You're not sure yet if you can trust this man, but it doesn't escape your notice that he really is quite handsome.


 "So, this is it?" Jefferson asks, looking around.

 You nod. "Yep. It'll be just up the road there."

 "Well, that's good. You're almost home. You had better get going."

 "You're not coming with me?" you ask.

 "I can't. I have to get back to Wonderland. Besides, you know where you're going from here, don't you? No mazes to get stuck in?"

 "No, but...are you really sure you can't come with me?"

 He shakes his head. "I have to go home myself."

 You feel disappointed. In the many days you've spent venturing through Wonderland with Jefferson, you've become very fond of him.

 "Then...will you come visit me?" you ask him. "Just...when you have the chance. And I'll come visit you."

 "You're not worried about getting lost again?"

 You shake your head. "Not if you come to find me." You give him a kiss on the cheek. "I hope this isn't goodbye forever, Jefferson."

 "Of course it isn't. You'll see me again, Y/N. I promise. Now, go ahead. I'm sure there's people who have missed you."

 You nod, turning around and starting along the road. But then you stop, and turn around again. Jefferson is still there. You run back to him and kiss him, pressing your lips against his. Once you've kissed, you run down the road towards home.

 You've fallen in love with Jefferson, and you wouldn't have been able to forgive yourself if you didn't kiss him before saying goodbye.

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