Selene #2 (Daughter!Reader)

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 To say that you and your mother have a difficult relationship might be a bit of an understatement. Having one of the business' greatest Death Dealers for a mother is not easy, and you and Selene have had a tumultuous relationship for pretty much all of your life.

 You certainly have not made things easy for Selene. You know she tries, but you've always given her a hard time. When she tries to tell you something, you don't usually listen. When she did try to teach you in being a Death Dealer, you just told her you weren't interested in it and left her alone with her weapons.

 Of course, that was a bit of a lie. You were interested in it, but you just didn't need someone to teach you. You had already figured it out on your own, and you were quickly getting good.


 You go out into the city one night, on the hunt for the Lycans. You know they're around, and want to prove you can do it. You can be just as good as your mother at being a Death Dealer.

 You come to an alley in an area you know the Lycans often spend their time. There have to be some here, you think, when you suddenly hear growling. They've sensed there's a vampire nearby. You pull out your gun, ready for them.

 When one of them comes bursting out of the shadows, you immediately start shooting until it collapses to the ground. When another comes, you do the same. By the time a third one shows, you've run out of bullets. You're about to pull out your other gun when gunfire comes from nearby, taking down the third Lycan almost instantly.

 You look up to see Selene, you mother, step out of the shadows.

 And you sigh. "Mother, you seriously could not have let me handle it?"


 "Y/N, can you please slow down?" Selene asks, walking fast after you.


 "I want to talk to you."

 "About what?" you ask, pretending to be clueless.

 "About what just happened! You learned to be a Death Dealer all on your own, and you never said a word."

 "Well, you and I don't talk much," you say.

 "Y/N, you and I 'don't talk much' because you refuse to talk to me," she says, and you can't deny it. "How did you do it?"

 "Well, it wasn't that difficult, Mother," you say. "I did listen sometimes when you talked, and I hear things. You made it sound more complicated than it actually is. Now, can I go up to my room, or would you like to interrogate me some more?"

 She sighs. "Fine. Go. Y/N, I'm not saying that I don't think it's good you've trained. I do think it's good. Maybe we can do more work together."

 You shake your head. "Honestly, Mother, I don't think that would work out."

 You hear her sigh again and slowly walk away as you go up the stairs.

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