Sweeney Todd #1 (Sweeney Todd)

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 There is a man who runs a barber shop on Fleet Street, just above Mrs. Lovett's pie shop. You've lived and hung around the area your whole life, and you know who's who and what's what. But this man and his barber shop are an absolute mystery to you.

 No one else seems to notice what has been happening, but you do. You have seen men go into that barber shop and never come out, and you never see them again. Mrs. Lovett, who used to have the worst pies anyone ever tasted, is suddenly booming with business. It doesn't make any sense, but no one seems to make a connection.

 The only person whom you think might know something is the beggar woman who always hangs around. She's mad, yes, but she told you there's mischief going on over there, and you think she's right. Every time she goes over there, Mrs. Lovett just shoos her away. In an attempt to calm her down, you tell her you'll go over there to investigate.

 You hadn't planned to actually go there to the shops and have a look around, but the beggar woman clearly expects you to. You did tell her you would, after all, so you walk over there and pretend you aren't a little afraid.

 The sign outside says, that Mrs. Lovett's is closed, which is all the better for you since you can have a look around with less of a chance of running into someone.

 You walk around to the side, where the stairs leading to the barber shop are. You cautiously begin to climb up them, remembering it's possible people have been murdered up here.

 The door is partially open, so you open it a little more and peek inside.

 "What do you want?" you hear immediately.

 Inside is an older man in his shirtsleeves, holding a sharp razor in his hand. It looks as if he's been cleaning them. 

 "I-I'm sorry," you stammer. "I think I'm in the wrong place. I-I'll just..."

 You don't know what to say. The man gives you an annoyed look, and he seems all the more menacing when he says, "Well, if you know anyone who needs a shave, send 'em here to Sweeney Todd's."

 You back away from the door and go flying down the stairs and don't stop running until you think you're at a safe distance. It doesn't even matter, because you can't the image of Mr. Sweeney Todd holding that razor. That thing was sharp enough to kill someone.

 Is he murdering people? Is that why men disappear? But why? Why would he do it?

 Who was this Sweeney Todd, and what was his story? You would like to know, but first you would have to get over your fears and find the courage to walk down Fleet Street again.

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