Katniss Everdeen #2 (Sequel to #1)

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 You're not that surprised when Katniss shows up at your house the next day. Judging by the look on her face, she's obviously talked to Peeta already.

 "Well?" you ask. 

 "Well, what?"

 "Did you talk to Peeta? About what we were talking about yesterday?"

 She nods. "Yeah. I did."

 "And? How did he take it?" you ask.

 "He...was calm. Very calm. When I told him the truth, he said it was okay, and that he understood."

 "You say that like it's a bad thing," you remark. She looks very upset over the fact that Peeta took it easily.

 "That's just it," she says. "He was so nice and understanding about it. It's like he knew the whole time I didn't really love him. It just...it makes me feel even worse about having to tell him."

 "Katniss," you say, "I think no matter how Peeta might have reacted, you would have felt bad. That's just the kind of person you are."

 She shrugs. "Maybe." She sighs. "Well, I guess it had to be done, right? I couldn't keep stringing him along knowing my feelings for him weren't real. It would have felt wrong."

 "Of course it would have. So, what now? Where do you and Peeta stand?"

 "I don't know," she answers. "We're going to try to keep being friends, I guess. I really hope that someday he'll find someone who's better for him than I would have been. He deserves that much."

 "What about you?" you ask.

 "Me? Actually, I'm wondering if the love of my life has always been closer than I thought."

 "Oh? You have someone in mind?"

 She nods. "Of course I do. You know perfectly well who it is."

 You're confused for a moment, because you don't know what she means. But then your heart skips a beat as you realize who she means.

 It's you.

 Your realization must have shown on your face, because she says, "Yes, Y/N, I mean you. You've always been such a good friend to me, and I should have realized sooner how deep your feelings went. And honestly...my feelings go that deep, too." She pulls you into a hug. "I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner."

 You hug her back, a little in shock over this sudden declaration. "Well, yeah, I have...you know, I've always admired you. I guess I was kind of hoping for a chance with you."

 Katniss smiles. "That's great, because I was hoping for a chance with you."

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