Selene #1

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 "No, no," Selene says with a sigh. "You still don't seem to understand, do you?"

 You have been training as a Death Dealer for a month now, and you were lucky enough to be put under Selene's guidance. She is one of the best there is, if not the best.

 "Let's take a break," she says. "Take a few minutes to gather yourself."

 You nod, and watch as she walks off. You and Selene were acquainted with each other before this, but you never really knew each other. You always thought of her as an interesting, intriguing character, and in the last month you have found you were right about her. She is just as interesting and intriguing as you thought, and it only makes you want to know more about her.

 You walk over to her, and say, "So, you say I'm not doing well so far, like I don't understand. What do you mean?"

 "I mean," she says, "That your heart isn't in it. You want to be a Death Dealer, don't you?"

 You nod in agreement. "I do."

 "Good. But just because you want to doesn't mean you can. Y/N," she puts her hand on your shoulder and looks into your eyes, "Are you sure you can do this? Do you think that maybe this isn't for you?"

 You think about it. Being a Death Dealer was something you thought you could do, something you could handle. But at Selene's words, you begin to wonder if you're wrong.

 "Can you...give me time to think about it?" you ask. "Just give me 'till tomorrow."

 She nods. "All right. I'll come looking for you sometime tomorrow, then. Don't overthink it, though. Just pick the option you think is best for you."

 You'll try, you think. You want to at least try to measure up, to be one of the better ones, even if it's only to spend more time with that woman.

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