Cedric Diggory #1

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 You are nervous about starting your first year at Hogwarts. You don't know anyone, and you don't even know where to sit when you get onto the Hogwarts Express. Thankfully, you find a compartment near the back of the train. There's already a boy your age there, so you open the door and ask, "Do you mind if I sit here?" 

 He nods. "Sure. I'm Cedric."

 "Y/N." You sit down across from him. "Are you a first year, too?"

 He nods again and smiles, apparently happy to meet a fellow first year. "Nice to meet you. What house do you think you might get sorted into? My parents say I'll probably get sorted into Hufflepuff, but I don't mind."

 You shrug. "I don't know. I guess any of them would be fine. But maybe not Slytherin. I've heard they're all rotten."

 "Well, they can't all be bad," Cedric says. "There are probably future Slytherins on this train that are just as nervous as we are."

 "I guess you're right about that. Well, it's nice to talk to somebody. I don't know anybody here."

 "Neither do I. But it's only our first year. We'll make friends." 

 You smile, a little surprised at how comfortable you feel talking to this boy.


 You sit down next to Cedric. You were both sorted into Hufflepuff and are both happy about it.

 "This is great," Cedric says to you. "We'll share a common room and go to classes together. We'll definitely have time to be friends now."

 You smile at him. "That'd be great."

 You almost can't believe your luck in finding such a good friend so quickly, but you know you and Cedric are going to be friends for a while.

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