Didyme Volturi #1

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 You keep yourself hidden, waiting. You think Didyme should have been here by now, given how long it seems like you've been waiting. But she isn't yet.

 Something could have happened. Anything could have happened. What if someone found out? Marcus? Aro? Caius? What would they do to her, to you, if-

 "I'm sorry I took so long." Didyme sits down next to you and hugs you.

 "Oh, I was worried about you," you say, and hug her back. "Where have you been?"

 "Official business. And Marcus wanted to speak with me. He's noticed me drifting away from him. He knows I'm not the same anymore."

 "Oh. Didyme," You try to catch her eye, but she won't look at you, "If you do not wish to-"

 "Don't," she interrupts. "Don't ask me if I want to leave you, because I don't. I love you, and would not ever give you up unless I truly had to. But I am afraid of them. Marcus, Aro and Caius. Marcus and Caius, perhaps not so much, but I am afraid of Aro."

 "Your own brother? Do you really think he would hurt you?" you ask. "I would have thought you would be afraid of Marcus. He is your lover."

 "He is not my lover, Y/N. You are, because you are the one I love. I know I must tell Marcus, but...I'm afraid."

 You take her hands in yours. "Whatever you decide, I will be with you. You do not have to fear being alone."

 The two of you sit quietly there together, wondering about your fate, and what may come.

Multi-Fandom ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz