Connor Stroll #1

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 You were nervous upon your arrival to Camp Half-Blood. You didn't know what to expect, or what kind of people you'd be dealing with. You and your brother Leo are both children of Hephaestus, the blacksmith god, and you soon realize you're good at building things.

 On one of your fist days at the camp, you meet a tall, curly-haired boy who introduces himself as Connor Stroll, the leader of the Hermes cabin.

 "You must be one of the new kids," he says with a smile.

 You nod. "Y/N Valdez."

 "Well, Y/N Valdez, nice to meet you. Connor Stroll, at your service. So, daughter of Hephaestus, huh? You good at building?" 

 "I am, actually," you say. "I'm just getting settled in."

 "That's great," he says. "If you need any tips, feel free to ask. Again, nice to meet you." He gives you a grin. "See you around."

 You smile back. "Yeah, see you around."

 After that meeting, you see Connor around the camp a few more times after that, and you find that you like talking to him. Soon enough, the two of you are friends. He has a fun-loving personality, and certainly knows how to have fun. But he also knows when to be responsible, and you like seeing both those sides of him.

 You begin to wonder if he really likes you, too. He's deliberately sought you to tell you some piece of news a few times before, even when it's not all that important, and he seems to like talking to you more than some of the other kids around the camp.


 Some of the kids are sitting by the campfire one night, and you and Connor are sitting next to each other.

 "You don't sing much, do you?" he asks you. "Not one for campfire songs?"

 You shake your head. "Not really. I think I'm better with building than singing."

 "Oh, come on, Y/N, I'm sure you'll do fine. Why are you smiling at me like that?"

 "Like what?" you ask.

 "Like that, the way you are now."

 "You mean this 'I like you' smile?"

 "Yeah, that one. Does your brother know we like each other that much?"

 You shrug. "I'll tell Leo once he needs to know. I mean, we're not really dating yet."

 "Well, we could," he says. "Camp Half-Blood isn't the best place for a date, but we still could."

 You smile. "I'd like that." 

 You had ended up with a crush on Connor, but when he started liking you too, it now feels like your feelings started to become truly genuine, and now they are.

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