Sherlock Holmes #1

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 Working in the lab in Scotland Yard, you've had plenty of contact with the great Sherlock Holmes. He seems like an interesting person, but you've never really gotten a chance to chat with him, given that he's always so wrapped up in his work. You'd like to get to know him better, but you haven't gotten the chance to.

 One day, when you're in the lab together, you say, "You know, I don't think I'll ever figure out how you do it."

 "I'd would have expected that," he says. "Most people can't."

 "Um. Yeah. Well, I'd ask you sometime, but you're always so busy. You and I never get a chance to talk."

 "Talk about what?" he asks.

 You shrug. "I don't know. Stuff. You seem like a really interesting person, like someone I would want to be friends with."

 He looks up at you. "Friends? People who know me don't usually want to be friends with me."

 "Well, that's the thing," you say. "I don't really you. Hey, how about we meet up sometime? Like, have lunch or get a coffee together? I'd like that."

 He sighs. "Y/N, you do seem like a nice person, but you should know I'm not interested in dating anyone. I consider myself married to my work, and-"

 "Whoa." You raise you hands. "I did nor say anything about dating. Not yet, at least. I just thought we could meet up sometime, outside of work, and just get to know each other better, maybe be friends. What do you think?"

 "Well, I suppose that's reasonable," he says. "So, where would we be meeting, and when? I might be busy."

 You shrug again. "We'll figure out something."

Multi-Fandom ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora