Viktor Krum #1

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 It is now the end of another exciting year at Hogwarts. This year was more exciting than usual, because Hogwarts hosted the Triwizard Tournament. You weren't old enough to enter this year, but you found it exciting, anyway. At least at first, you did; Cedric Diggory, who was liked by pretty much everyone, was killed. Harry Potter says it was Lord Voldemort, but no one besides Professor Dumbledore seems to believe it. You know Harry is usually trustworthy, but you're not sure if you even believe it yourself.

 But before you worry about that, you have someone to say goodbye to before they leave Hogwarts. Because of the Triwizard Tournament, the students from the Durmstrang and Beauxbaton schools have been staying at Hogwarts for the year. Now that the year is over, they'll all be going back to their own homes.

 You've become friends with Viktor Krum, in particular. He's mostly quiet, and doesn't talk too much, but you've found him to be friendly and likeable, and he seems to have felt the same about you. You're sad to think today's the day he leaves.

 You go out to the courtyard, where you find many students from all three schools crowded around talking and saying goodbyes.

 "Here you are, Y/N. I vas looking for you."

 You smile at Viktor. "I was looking for you, too. I wanted to say goodbye before you sailed off back to Durmstrang."

 "So did I. I have had a vonderful year at your Hogwarts."

 "That's nice to hear. I'm sure you'll be glad to go home, though."

 "Ah, yes. Next year it is back to Durmstrang. I hope Hogwarts vill see a better end to the year next year."

 You nod. "That'd be nice. Cedric's going to be missed. He seemed pretty great."

 "So he did. Here." He hands you a piece of paper. "If you ever vant to write to me."

 You smile, and hand him a piece of paper of your own. "If you ever want to write to me when I'm not at Hogwarts, that's where you can send it."

 He smiles and takes it. "Thank you. I vould be glad to. But I must go now. Goodbye, Y/N."

 You wave as he walks away with the other Durmstrang students. Then you look down at the slip of paper he gave you, and smiled.

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