New Love (OUAT Short Story)

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 Try as they might, the Dark One and Captain Hook knew they couldn't hide from Cerberus for long.

  "You're sure your magic isn't working?" Hook asked.

  "Yes, for the hundredth time," Rumplestilskin snarled. "Leave it to my father to find a way to stop my magic."

  They were in one of the deeper parts of the Underworld mines now.

  "We can't stop for long," said Rumplestiltskin.

  "Of all the people," Hook panted, "I could have been stuck down here with, it just had to be you, didn't it, Crocodile."

  "Believe me, if I had my magic, I would have been out of here already."

  "Well, you mind telling me how you get your magic back so we can get out of here before that beast kills us?"

 "The only way I know is the spark of new love."

  "Spark of new love?" Hook repeated. "What the hell does that mean?"

  "The spark of a new love will return my powers," Rumplestiltskin replied.

  "Right. So how do we do that?"

  "That's just it. I don't know how I'm supposed to spark new love." He sighed. "I don't want new love, anyway. I just want Belle back. But I don't know if she even wants anything to do with me anymore."

  "Well, can you really blame her? You haven't been the best husband. I'll give you credit for trying, though." Hook sat down on the ground. "We may as well stop and give this new love thing some thought if we're going to get out of here."

  "Do you have any suggestions?"

  "Nothing yet. Magic's supposed to be your thing, not mine. Really, though, that's horrible, having a father like that. I killed my father, but even he wasn't that bad."

  "Well, that depends." Rumplestiltskin sat down next to Hook. "My mother was the Black Fairy."

  "Black Fairy? Never heard of her."

  "She kidnaps babies rather than caring for them like other fairies do."

  "So...does that mean you're half-fairy, then?"

  Rumple scoffed. "Thankfully not. And you know my father was Peter Pan. I don't think I need to explain anything there."

  "No, let's not discuss him."

  "My point is," Rumple went on, "Both my parents abandoned me; one for power, the other for youth. I never forgave them. Even though he's dead, he's still able to hurt me."

  "But your anger never orphaned your little brother, like mine did." Hook exhaled deeply. "When I killed my father, he had another son. A little boy named Liam. When I killed my father, that little boy lost his father."

  "So do you forgive your father or not?"

  "I don't know. Why are we even talking about this when we're supposed to be worrying about surviving."

  "You're the one who brought it up, pirate."

  "Former pirate. There's no sign of the dog, so we should be safe here for a little longer. God, what I'd give to be out of this place."

  "That's what I came along with your little dream team for," said Rumple. "I thought they were supposed to save you."

  "They were. Didn't work. I think I'm stuck here for good." Hook thought about Emma as he spoke. The thought of never seeing Emma again hurt so bad he didn't know how to put it into words.

  Rumple thought about what it must be like to be in Hook's place. He actually felt a bit sorry for Hook.

  "I know what it's like to be parted with someone you love," he said. "I've felt it before."

 "Really? I didn't think you had feelings." Hook smiled. "Just kidding, I've seen that you have feelings after all. Really, why do you choose to be the Dark One?"

  "It's...the power, I suppose. I feel like I can't live without it. But Belle deserves a better husband than the Dark One."

  "And Emma deserves better than a pirate," said Hook. He gently placed his hand on Rumple's arm. "I understand, Crocodile."

  When Hook touched him, Rumple suddenly felt different. "My powers."

  "What about them?" Hook asked.

  They then heard a growling coming from somewhere nearby.

  "That's Cerberus," said Hook.

  "I think I can take care of that." Rumple waved his hand and, in a puff of smoke, they went from the mines to the forest.

  "Your magic's back," Hook said. "How did you get the spark of new love, then? Crocodile?"

 Rumple was staring at Hook in disbelief. It couldn't be him, not the pirate who had taken Milah from him. He was what caused the spark of new love?

  And yet, when Rumple looked at him now, something felt different.

  "I have no idea why you're staring at me like that," said Hook, "but thank you for getting me out of there. Now, uh, what do you say we go find this father of yours him what happens when Captain Hook and the Dark One decide to work together?"

  Rumple stared at the former pirate a moment longer before taking him by the shoulders and looking him in the eyes.

  "I think," he said, "that is a fantastic idea."

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