Edward Cullen #1

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 "Where are we going?" you ask Edward again.

 "Relax," he says. "We're here now." 

 You emerge from the woods, and see a little house standing by the road. More specifically, Chief Swan's house.

 "You brought me to Charlie Swan's house?" you ask.

 "I didn't bring you here," he replies. "You wanted to come."

 "Don't tell me you've been spying on Charlie Swan. I doubt he's dangerous."

 "No, I'm not very interested in Charlie Swan," Edward says. "It's someone else."

 "Okay. Who?"

 "Follow me and you'll see." 

 You watch as Edward begins to climb the tree outside the house.

 "You coming?" he asks.

 "Why should I?"

 "Because there's someone here I am interested in, and I want you to see her."

 You sigh and begin to climb up after him.

 "Is this even going to be worth my time?" you ask.

 "I hope so," Edward replies, "Since you do seem to like spending time with me. Look into that window."

 You look into the window he's pointing to. Inside is a sleeping girl, someone you've never seen before.

 "Who is she?" you ask.

 "Bella Swan, Charlie's daughter. She's come to stay with him. I met her at school."


 "And I...feel something for her," Edward says. "Call me crazy, but it feels as if...she was meant to come here and meet me, that she was meant for me."

 "Does this Bella Swan know about any of this?"

 "No, but she feels an attraction to me. She just doesn't understand it."

 "Edward, are you going to tell her any of this?" you ask him. 

 He hesitates, staring longingly into the window.

 "I don't know," he finally says. "I just don't know yet. She's better off without me, but I can't stay away from her. It's like I have a magnetic pull towards her I can't resist."

 You nod. "Yeah." You begin to climb back down the tree. "Let's get out of here. You can see her at school tomorrow."

 Edward looks into the window one more time before climbing down after you.

 You know what's happened to Edward. Carlisle talked about a few times before. It must be that Bella is his mate. After all this time, Edward Cullen had found his mate. And it isn't you, as you had so sorely hoped for.

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