Draco Malfoy #2

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 You know your old friend Draco Malfoy is up to something this year at Hogwarts. He's different this year: quiet, withdrawn, hardly ever spends time with the other Slytherins. At first you think that perhaps it's just because his father was sent to Azkaban, but the further you get on in the year, the more your suspicions grow.

 You notice he seems to sneak up to the seventh floor a lot of the time. What's up there, you have no idea, but one day you get a chance to go up there yourself.

 You walk around in the seventh-floor corridor, looking for something that would be of interest to Draco. But you find nothing, nothing interesting or exciting or secretive at all.

 You're ready to turn around and leave when you hear footsteps. When you turn around, it's Draco, and he certainly looks surprised to see you.

 "What are you doing up here?" he asks.

 You shrug. "Just walking around. No rule that says I can't be up here. What are you doing here?"

 "I don't see how that's any of your business," he snaps. "Can you just go? I want to be alone."

 "Hold on," you say. "I don't see why I should leave just because you're up here."

 "Oh, would you just do it, Y/N? Please."

 You look over at the wall Draco seems to be looking at. "Why are you staring at that wall?"

 "What?" He looks back at you. "I wasn't looking at anything."

 "Oh, yes, you were, Malfoy." You walk over to the wall and begin touching it. "What is it, huh? Some kind of secret passage? Something else secret?"

 "Y/N." You're surprised at how gently Draco touches your shoulder. "Why would I keep anything important from you? We're still friends, aren't we?"

 You shrug. "I don't know. Are we? You've barely spoken to me this year."

 He sighs. "I haven't been a good friend, have I? I'm sorry, Y/N. Can we just get off this floor, please? Maybe we can go for a walk on the grounds, get some fresh air. I think I could use that."

 "Fine." You step away from the wall. "Lead the way."

 This is a distraction, you know. You know something's wrong, and it has to be something serious. You just can't figure out what.

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