Magnus Bane #1

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 You have had a crush on Magnus Bane for almost as long as you can remember. You've known him for most of your life. He's one of your favorite people, and you're one of his. You can always make each other smile, and he is a light in your life. However, risking your friendship for romance isn't something you think Magnus would be willing to do. You're not even sure if he has any ideas what your true feelings are. He always seems to be busy with Alec Lightwood, his newest lover in a long string of lovers.

 But it just so happens that one evening, you're hanging around in Magnus' apartment, waiting for him to return home from wherever he is. When he does, you're surprised to see how upset he looks.

 "What are you doing here?" he asks.

 "Hanging around your apartment, like you said I could," you say. "What's happened?"

 "I-I don't want to talk about it."

 You raise your eyebrows. "Since when? You're always ready for a talk."

 "Not about this."

 "Is it about Alec?" you ask as Magnus begins to pour himself a drink.

 Magnus sighs and puts the bottle back down on the table. "I should have known you would guess. I broke up with Alec. He and I are no more."

 "So, what did he do?" you ask.

 "He has been lying to me. I get that he's in charge of the Institute now and has to keep Clave secrets, but this," he sits down next to you on the sofa, "This is something he should have told me. With the way things are now between the Shadowhunters and the Downworlders, honesty in important."

 "Great," you say. "How much trouble are we in now?"

 He throws his hands up in the air. "Who knows by now? I know that now I should be worried about the Downworld, but instead I keep thinking about Alec."

 "Then you should find a way to stop thinking about him."

 He scoffs. "Like what?"

 "Like this," you say, and lean him to kiss him. 


 At breakfast the next morning, Magnus says, "I think it was a mistake."

 "Was it, really?" you ask. "You didn't seem all that worried last night."

 "Well, not at the time, but-"

 "But what, Magnus? We're both single now. There's no harm done." 

 He sighs. "I guess you have a point. But I don't feel comfortable with this now, not with-"

 "Magnus," you interrupt again. "Get over Alec. Just do it, and then let's see where this goes. You never really know."

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