White Witch/Queen Jadis #1

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 You watch as Queen Jadis paces back and forth across her throne room. She's planning something, you know. She hasn't told you what, but you know it can't be anything good.

 "Is it true that Aslan is returning?" she asks you.

 "That is what I've heard," you answer. "Doesn't mean it's true."

 "But it could be," she says. "I have been planning something, Y/N, something that must be done if I am to stay queen."

 "And what would that be?" you ask.

 "I met a son of Adam." 


 "And he has a brother and two sisters. Don't you know the legend of Cair Paravel? They could be the ones, and if they are, I will be powerless."

 "Well, there must be something you can about them," you say.

 "I plan to. I told the boy to bring his brother and sister here to me, where I will end them. Of course, he doesn't know what I'm really planning to do. I will end the children and the legend of Cair Paravel, and then I will be able to rule Narnia unquestioned."

 "You mean we will rule Narnia," you correct her.

 She smiles. "Of course, my dear. You and I will be the greatest rulers Narnia will ever see."

 You smile back, and the two of you kiss. But there's something hollow to her words, something that doesn't strike right with you. You have planned to rule side-by-side, but you can't help but wonder if she has other plans.

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