Tom Holland-Red Carpet

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"Are you sure I should come with you? What about Harrison being your date?" I ask my boyfriend, Tom, who just laughs and rub my bare shoulder.

"Y/N I want you to be my date. Plus Harrison is here with us" he points out and Harrison smiles proudly.

"Ya ya" I mumble.

"Look you're to be great. Just stay close to me or Harrison" he says and I nod, taking a deep breath.

"That I can do. I've had years of practice" I joke and he smiles, planting a quickly kiss to my cheek before opening the door and stepping out to the loud yelling and pictures.

Tom smiles at me, gripping my hand lightly and helping me out. I help Harrison out and we bow at each other, a thing we've started doing last month.

"Thanks you madam" he says and I laugh.

"You're welcome, sir" I say before tom wraps his arm around my waist.

"I think Harrison is jealous" I joke and Tom snickers, looking at Harrison following, clinging onto my side.

"Poly relationship" I whisper to Harrison and he laughs. We take pictures, which is very weird for me.

"So this is the famous Y/N?" A voice says and I turn to see Robert fucking Downey Jr.

"Y-yes, I'm here-I'm Y/N" I say and he laughs, shaking my hand.

"It's nice to meet you finally, Tom can't stop talking about you" he said and Tom's face goes pink.

"Y-yes I can" he quickly says and I smile at him.

"Has the cast met her yet?" Robert asks and Tom shakes his head.

"Not yet" he smiles and goes to an interview, leaving Harrison and I.

"Thai is so weird" I tell him and he laughs, nodding.

"You get used to it" she says.

"Y/N-Harrison!" A lady with a cameraman says, ushering us over.

"Hello" we both say.

"Y/N, this is your first red carpet event, right?" She asks and I nod.

"That is correct" I say.

"How are you guys enjoying yourselves?" She asks smiling.

"It's really cool being here for my best mate because I never to be here with him so soon at least" Harrison says.

"It's intimidating. It's really intimidating because there are so many famous people here" I laugh slightly.

"Just stick to Harrison" she says jokingly.

"That'll be easy. I've had many years of going that with my mom" I joke.

We finally walk away to find Tom.

"That was very intimidating" I state, Harrison laughing.

"Ahh there she is-and Harrison" Tom says making Harrison hold his chest.

"Y/N, this is Elizabeth, Benedict, Sebastian, Anthony and Chris Evans" Tom says and I just look at him, getting closer to him as I try to slightly get behind him.

"Y/N they're not gonna bite" he laughs out, pushing me to his side so I'm not hiding.

"Hey" I trail out with a small wave.

"Oh my god she's so cute" Elizabeth says, wrapping me in a hug.

"How did you get a fine dime like her?" Anthony asks jokingly and Tom shrugs, wrapping his arm around me.

"Ahh Tom wouldn't stop talking about you on set" Chris laughs out and I smile.

We talk for a bit more before everyone goes in to be seated for the screening of Infinity War.


"How did you like it?" Tom asks as he lights turn on as I wipe under my eyes carefully.

"You douche why did you let me watch that?" I cry out as I sniffle, he just laughs.

"I'm sorry" he laughs out, hugging me.

"Why did he have to die? No wait-what if Wanda brings him back in the next movie? Or-or Doctor Strange or Vision use he infinity stone" I start rambling and he places his lips on mine.

"I think you need a nice shower and Chinese food" he laughs it and I nod, standing.

"I think that would be for the best" I state as we all start leaving.

"How did you like the movie?" Benedict walks over.

"She bawled her eyes out, and when she was cursing out Thanos she was talking about how they better not kill Wanda so she can bring everyone back in the next film" Tom laughs.

"Look I'm in a bad place right now" I say and he rubs my back.

"You guys coming to the party tomorrow?" Robert asks, wrapping an arm around Benedict's shoulders.

"Maybe, depending on if this one is calmed down about the movie yet" Tom jokes.

"I'll never be calm" I whisper and they laugh.

"We're probably just going to head home and order some Chinese and watch some Iron Man" Tom says and I groan.

"Tom we watched Iron Man last night.  And the night before that, and the night before that, and the night before that. I wanna watch Doctor Strange" I say and Robert acts offended while Benedict smiles, high fiving me.

"Rock paper scissors?" He asks and I nod, getting ready.

"Rock, paper, scissors" we both say and I get scissors while get gets rock.

"Okay two out of three" I quickly say and he laughs, nodding. I get rock and he gets paper.

"Iron Man it is" he grins, Robert smirking at Benedict.

"Hah" he states and I lean to Tom's ear.

"If you let us watch Doctor Strange tonight you may get a surprise tomorrow night" I whisper and he looks at me.

"Doctor Strange it is" he says and Robert just gets a blank look while Benedict gets in Robert's face.

"Hah" he mocks and we laugh.

And that's what we do. We go home, eat Chinese food, and watch Doctor Strange. And then Iron Man.

Tom Holland / Peter Parker ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant