Peter Parker-The Breakfast Club

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Okay so I was watching The Breakfast Club bc like it's amazing, and I was thinking "hmm what if there was a weird version of Spiderman Hoco Breakfast Club" and this happened.

A quiet girl that doesn't talk to people much. Loves books, being alone, the quiet.

A nerdy fanboy that loves legos, superheroes, and tacos.

A sweet preppy girl that everybody loves. Likes purples, macaroni and cheese, and Instagram.

A nerdy boy that gets picked on. Likes his aunt May, Tony Stark, his best friend, Ned, larb, and Star Wars.

A geeky girl that loves everything widely rangers from Transformers to Doctor Who. Sometimes picked on, sticks up for people but not herself. Good girl. Loves books, drawing, a ranch pasta that her mom makes, and music.

Jocky boy that picks on Peter. Has many insecurities due to dad not being in his life much. Likes football, Liz, cars, steak and money.


"L/N, detention" the teacher says loudly.

"W-what?" I ask, confused.

"You just let Betty cheat off you. Detention" he says again and I sigh. I didn't even know she was cheating off me.


"Michelle, detention. I've told you millions of times to stop reading during lessons" the teachers voice books, making the teen roll her eyes before continuing to read.


"Thompson! Saturday Detention! No flirting with the cheerleaders during practice. Detention for you too, Miss Allan" the coach shouts making both teens groan, Liz slapping Flash in the arm.


"Parker! Neels! Stop talking! Saturday detention" the teacher shouts, making the two boys get quiet.


"Welcome to Saturday detention. I don't want any talking, whispering, sex" the detention teacher, Mr.Wilson says.

"How the hell do you expect us to have sex in here?" Flash speaks up.

"No talking! Not take a seat." Mr. Wilson yells before leaving, blocking the door from shutting as he exits the room, sitting in the room across so he can look in.

We all just look at each other before sitting. I sit in the table at the very back right side, Michelle sitting in the back left table. Peter and Ned sit together two tables in front of me. Liz sits in front of Michelle and Flash sits in front of Liz.

"I have to take a piss" Flash says, laying back in his seat and propping his feet on the table.

I dig in my bag quietly, quickly unlocking my phone and take a snapchat video everyone.

Guess who got Saturday detention. 😑

I post it quickly with the time before slipping my phone back in my bag, right in time as Mr. Wilson comes back.

"Did I hear talking?" He asks and we all just look at him.

"No?" Michelle speaks up.

"No reading" Mr. Wilson says, grabbing the book and leaving.

I watch him leave before digging in my bag, pulling out my copy of To Kill A Mockingbird, sliding it on the carpeted library floor to her.

She nods at me, taking the book and reading it.

Tom Holland / Peter Parker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now