Peter Parker-Tom Holland Part 2

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"Hey new girl" the familiar voice of Flash fills my ears as I shut my locker, about to head to lunch.

"Hello" I smile, too nice to physically be rude even tho inside I'm thinking about how bad he treated Peter and how scared he was of him even though he beats people up risks his life everyday.

"What do you say about us going out this Friday night?" He asks and I push my glasses up.

"I'm not sure if I'm free or not yet. I'll have to ask my mom, okay?" I ask and he nods as I walk off, not hearing him mumble.


"Are you still laying a low profile?" Peter whispers as I sit down.

"No I've told the entire school that I'm not from this universe" I shield and he just gives me a look, an amused smile on his lips.

"Hey newbie" Michelle says and I smile at her.

"What are you doing hanging out with the nerds?" She asks.

"I like his hair" I blurt out and she gives a look before going back to reading.

"Really" Peter asks.

"It was the best I could do" I mumble back, biting back a laugh.


"Okay no one suspects a thing" Peter says and I nod as we walk out of the school.

"Hey Mr. Stark? Yeah I have a girl and we need your help"


"So you're saying you're from a universe where we are all characters in a movie?" Bruce asks excitedly and I nod.

"And I have no idea how I got here. I just woke up and vwala" I say.

"Is that possible?" Tony asks Bruce.

"Yes! I mean yes." He says, looking at his computer.

"So let me get this straight, you're universe none of us are real? We're just actors playing in a movie?" Steve asks and I nod.

"Precisely. Peter is Tom Holland who is English. Tony is Robert Downey Jr. who is rich as fuck" I say and Tony smirks.

"Nice" he says before they ask a few more questions.

"Okay well I'm not quite sure when we are going to allow you to go home" Bruce mumbles.

"But it's most likely that when you get back no time will have passed" he says and I nod.

"Where am I going to stay while I'm in this universe?" I ask.

"With Peter" Tony says.

"What?" He asks.

"Same as you keep her. I've told May already" Tony says and Peter throws his arms up.

"I can't wait to see his room in person" I mumble and he turns to me.

"What?" He asks.

"What? Nothing" I say, turning away.


"Okay you can sleep on the floor" Peter says, tossing some blanketsts and pillows on the floor.

"Oh such a gentleman" I jokingly mumble before standing on the floor where the blankets are.

"Oh woah" I say, looking out of the window at the town.

"Yeah it's cool at night" he says and I look around at the lights.

"Hey guys I'm going to take a night shift for the rest of the week, is that okay?" May asks and Peter nods.

"Okay Y/N if you need anything tell Peter and there's money on the table for pizza or something. Be safe!" She calls out and there's a door shut.

"Wanna go on the fire escape?" Peter asks, noticing me loving the view and I nod.

"Yes please" I say enthusiastically and he laughs, unlocking and sliding up the window, crawling out and helping me through. I hold onto the side of the fire escape and hawk at the sky.

"What's  life like? Back in your own universe?" He asks, taking a seat on the floor and I sit on the floor do the fire escape by him.

"What do you want to know?" I ask.

"Heath was your family life like? Your friends? School?" He asks and I lean back on my arms.

"Well, when I was young my dad and mom got divorced and he kind just stopped visiting. My mom, my older brother and I into a rented double wide trailer in a small town. I lost a lot of friends in 8th grade going into freshmen year because I started realizing how bad they were for me" I say and he looks at me.

"What do you mean?" He asks and I sigh.

"Well, this one friend, Casey, would always call me mean things and hit me and kick me. My friend Lizzy would always put me down. Stuff like that" I say.

"What would they say?" He asks, getting interested.

3rd pov

"They would call me a bitch, fake, stupid, ugly, weird" Y/N trails off.

"I mean not know you much but I can tell that You're none of those" Peter says and the girls smiles gratefully.

"Thank you" she tells him.

"No problem" he says.

The night continues and all they do is sit there, talking about her life and eventually falling sleep in the room, both on the ground.

Tom Holland / Peter Parker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now