Shermie x male reader

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KOF belongs to SNK.
You get to pick how you dress.
This takes place right after KoF XIV.

You were sulking in your apartment. Why? Because it was the anniversary of when you met your girlfriend Shermie. To anyone else this would be a happy day, but Shermie's been missing for 19 years and ever since you've been spiralling into depression. The first year you lost your cheery demeanor. The second year you became more distant from your friends. From the third year came distance from your family. The fourth year turned you into an alcoholic, and the following years just made things worse. You came to terms with the fact that she's never coming back three years ago, but since then on your anniversary you would just lock yourself in your apartment and sob.  You were looking at some photos of you and Shermie when you heard a knock at the door.

(Y/N): Go away I'm not interested in buying anything.

They knock again.

(Y/N): I said go away.

They knock for a third time, but this time you don't respond. You then hear the sound of keys. This wasn't really unusual most of your friends have spare keys. You were still looking at the picture when they opened the door. You heard footsteps coming towards you.

(Y/N): Billy, I told you not to come here on this day of the year.

You continued to look down as the person didn't respond.

(Y/N): Billy. Go away.

You looked up expecting to see Billy. But what you saw shocked you. You looked up to see Shermie.

(Y/N): Sh-Shermie?

Shermie: Yep it's me.

You didn't give her any time to say anything else before wrapping your arms around her and sobbing.

(Y/N): I-i missed you so much. Why did you leave?

Shermie: I had some business to take care of with Yashiro and Chris. But I'm here now and I'm not leaving you again.

You let go and she sat down next to you on the couch as you laid against her. You loved Shermie for different reasons than everyone else. You loved her personality and the sound of her voice.

(Y/N): I liked Chris he was nice, but Yashiro I knew he was bad the day I met him.

Shermie: I realize that now. He was nothing more than a fanatic. He tried to kill me and Chris to resurrect some God.

(Y/N): I don't care as long as you're here with me.

She then kissed you on the forehead and wrapped her arms around you.

(Y/N): I love you Shermie.

Shermie: I love you too (Y/N).

~le fin ?~

There you go sorry if it's short. It's the first fanfic I've ever written.

X male reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now