Part 92

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I knew I love naomi with all my heart but after what's happening she is my world I don't know what I without her and I want spend my rest of my life with her and call her my wife and I know we was talking about it being in the future but after this you never know what could happen. 

I said it's been to long I bet something has gone wrong and their trying to think of what to say before they come and tell me after I said that the doctor came up to me I could go see naomi. 

So I found naomi's room and she looked upset and really scared I walked over to her and said it's babe I'm here with you now so don't think that your own because your not I'm here then the doctor came into the room and said we can see them but your baby girl lacey-may has trouble breathing on her own but your baby boy nathan is healthy considering he is premature we said thanks then I helped naomi into the wheelchair and wheeled her to the room they were in we got their and went in and naomi grapped my hand and said ast I'm scared she won't make it I replied I am to but look who they have as parents lacey-may will be little fighter to get healthy so i sat by the incubators with naomi.

Naomi said ast please will you go get gemma I need her I replied yeah I will be back soon then I went to get gemma I got up to gemma and conor he said so how are lacey-may and nathan I replied lacey-may has trouble breathing on her own and nathan is healthy considering he is premature gemma replied aww please can I see them I replied that's why I come back to get you because naomi needs you she replied ok. 

Gemma's Pov

I got to the room the twins are in and I saw naomi crying so I walked over to here and sat down next to her then ast said this is going to be hard for me to leave them but I can sense she needs you gemma I replied she needs you to ast he replied I know but she needs you in the girl way naomi still crying but said thanks ast for knowing what I need right now he kissed her on her head and said I will be with conor if you need me she replied ok I love you he replied I love you to then walked out the room. 

Naomi said gemma I can't lose lacey-may cause if I do then that means I've lost to daughters I pulled her into a hug and said I know it's scary but my little munchkin lacey-may is a fighter just like her mummy and daddy naomi stopped crying and said what did you just call her I replied lacey-may and nathan are my little munchkins that's their nickname I will use for them she replied ok but your only gonna call them that I replied yer I am. Naomi said I love you , you do know that right cause your always their for me when I need you and being a weirdo making up silly little nicknames for my babies I replied I love you to cause your always their for me when I need you and for making me laugh.

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