Part 42

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Me and gemma had been talking while sunbathing for awhile now so we decided to go get ready for tonight so we decided that we would meet in the hotel lobby at 10pm. I watched tv for abit then i got in the shower and when i got out my blackberry was flashing so i look and it was a message from ast and it said 

Hey i know you don't want to talk to me but i can't wait for you to get back then we can sort this out and then get back together Axx

I just read it then put it back down on the bedside table i didn't wanna txt him back and give him false hope so i looked to see what i could wear tonight and i decided on one outfit so i got changed straighten my hair and then put some make up on then made sure everything i needed was in my bag. Then as i was coming out of my room and locking the door elliot come up to me and said where you going i replied oh now you wanna talk well to bad cause i'm going out drinking with my friend gemma and maybe have some fun with some lad like you did with that girl anyway i got to go i'm meeting gemma he replied what am i suppose to do then i replied go find that girl and have some fun i'm sure that she will be up for it anyway bye.

I met gemma in the lobby and she was changed her make up was like mine. I said are you ready to party like we use to she replied of course let's head to the first nightclub of the night.

Elliot's Pov 

I need to tell naomi that i didn't sleep with that girl and that it was just a set up and i wanted to see what she would say and do and i can't just stay in and do nothing while naomi is out with her friend and maybe have fun with any lad she likes if she was gonna have some fun it should be with me now i'm gonna get ready then go find her and tell her.

Normal Pov

Why am i bothered about what girls elliot sleeps with and i really didn't think he was the time of lad to fuck and random girl but i must be wrong. Me and gemma was having a good time like we use to and we was getting alot of attention of lads like we use to and they was buying us drinks which was not bad it was so much like the old times like when we went out before she moved away and i still don't know where she lives now so i will ask her later.

I said to gemma i'm just gonna go get us some drinks she replied ok see you when you get back so i headed to the bar and when i got their elliot was their to. I got mine and gemma drinks then elliot come up to me and i said aww has that girl turned you down for sex aww looks like you will have to find some other girl to fuck he replied the truth is i didn't sleep with that girl when you came to the door why was he lying to me i really wanted to throw my drink in his face but instead i put them down on the bar and said i saw you she had your top on and that was it on you had just your boxers on he replied yer i know but it was kinda a set up i replied what are you going on about he replied i wanted to see if you said or do anything thinking i had slept with that girl i replied if you say so but why would i do anything were just friends anyway i've got to give gemma her drink and i have a lad their waiting for me when i told him that he had a jealousy look on his face so i picked up the drinks and said see you later.

I got back to gemma and give her the drink i had bought her and said so where's that lad i was dancing with then i heard him say i'm here i was just getting a drink i replied ok you wanna dance again he replied yer sure. 

While i was dancing with that lad i saw elliot watching me so i danced even close to the lad and elliot looked proper funny with jeaousy across his face then i thought of something that would proper get him so i kissed that lad i was dancing with then elliot come right up to me and pushed that lad out of the way and said what are you doing i replied having fun like you were he replied you can't i replied so you can have fun with someone but i can't he replied i told you i wanted to see what your reaction to it was i replied you have still not give me a reason why i can't have fun he pulled me close and kissed me passionatly then pulled away and said that's why because i want you and if you want to have fun with someone why can't it be me i replied i forgot how nice your kisses are and ok but if were having fun are you gonna be sleeping with other girls aswell he replied i only want you so it will only be you. Then the lad i was dancing with said sorry mate i didn't know you were her boyfriend elliot replied i'm her ex but we are just good friends now then that lad walked off then gemma went to ask me who the lad was that i was talking to so i just said i will tell you tomorrow she just started laughing. 

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