Part 77

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I had got ready after ast did and he was waiting for me downstairs i got my bag then headed downstairs to ast i heard him say are you ready i replied yer lets go. Ast had parked the car round the corner and we got and was walking to the restaurant when i felt like some one was following me again so i saw theo coming round the cornor so i said ast look he is their ast looked round and said babe theirs no one their i replied i'm sure i saw i think i'm seeing things he replied it's ok i'm here for you i'm not going any where then we went into the restaurant.

1 Week Later 

I keep seeing him everywhere i go and everyone just thinks it's my mind playing tricks on me but i think he is messing with me making everyone think i'm going crazy so when he does do something no one will believe me. Bryony and aaron had been on a few dates and are now going out and i'm friends with both lads but i'm more closer to kieran he was a really good friend. Me and ast decided to have a party because he knows about me keep seeing theo everywhere i go so we invited marv , conor ,gemma , lizzie ,bryony , aaron and kieran lizzie was coming out because marv's parents were gonna look after lizzie's and marv's son. Ast had just come back with the alcohol which we put in the kitchen and then it was getting soon to where everyone would be coming here soon so i went got a shower and while i was getting ready ast got in the shower i had a look in my wardrobe because i didn't know what i was going  to wear. 

I decided on what to wear and got ready  i was doing my make up ast came out of the bathroom in a towel i said ast stop distracting me i'm trying to do my make up he just laughed and said right let me just get what i'm wearing and i will let you get back to do your make up he got his clothes and went i finished my make up then the front door went so i went downstairs and opened the door and it was the girls. Gemma looked gorgeous and then lizzie looked gorgeous aswell so did bryony. The girls come in and we went into the kitchen to get a drink then the door went again and answered it this time and it was the boys and they came into the kitchen to then ast come up to me and said you look very sexy tonight i replied if people weren't here them clothes would be off that's how sexy you looked he laughed then said i will hold you to that later when they have gone then he kissed me and went and talked to the lads and i carried on talking to the girls.

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