Part 20

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Everything was fine now with me and elliot and bryony was still being off with me and i don't know why and marv has gone away with some of his friends for the weekend so lizzie is just staying at home. It was just me and ast and mine till someone was knocking on the door so i got up and answered it and it was elliot so i said hey babe what's up he replied someone told a teacher at the college that i'm going out with a student but they don't know if it's true or not yet and don't know which student but their gonna be keeping a close eye on me so we can't be together in college and i can't really come to your house till they say that it was false that i wasn't going out with a student i replied oh ok that sucks.

Ast came out into the hall and said i need to talk to you i replied i can't right now i'm busy he grapped my arm and said please i need to tell you that i have strong feelings for you i replied don't be silly ast they will go when you see a girl you like ast replied i do see a girl i like it's you i replied ast you know were only close friends he replied no were more then that you can't say that kiss didn't mean anything i replied no it didn't it was a mistake and ast you hurting me let go elliot just looked at me and said how could you i replied elliot it's you i care about not ast were only close friends elliot replied i think it's best that while this is going on with the college we don't see each other i replied your breaking up with me he replied no were still together it's only till they realise it was a rumour and i better go bye.

I said ast let go of me your hurting me he replied no not till you admit the kiss meant something to you i replied i wish i could but i don't see you that way and i'm with elliot after i said his name ast grapped my arm tighter i said aston your really hurting me please let go off me i never seen him like this before. I said please aston let go off me your scaring me he let go and said i'm really sorry i just jealous of him because i really wanna be with you and it scares me how strong my feelings are for you because i've never had feelings like this for a girl i replied well i don't like who ever that just was because you really scared me and if your gonna be like that with me now i will be to scared to be left alone with you he replied i'm so sorry and i don't know what came over when i did that all i can say is i'm sorry and i will go and leave you alone and i don't think i can be around you when your with elliot because the jeaousy will get the better of me like it just did so will you tell me when you break up with him and i probaly sound mean i replied think that's best to and i will let you know if me and elliot break up he replied the jeaousy is coming back i really need to go before i hurt you again.

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