Part 90

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We had finished are food and conor paid for it then he said come were going somewhere else now i didn't bother asking because i know he wouldn't tell me so we got in his car and headed to the next place. We got their and we was outside frankie and benny's i said how could were here he replied i know you like to have your dinner at nando's and your pudding at frankie and benny's i replied aww you remembered then we got out of the car and headed inside. We went up to a table and sat down and looked to see what puddings they were we both decided then the girl that worked their so we told her then she walked off so conor said how am i doing so far am i failing i giggled and said aww you really are nervous and i can see your really trying so your doing good so far he replied yer i am really nervous i don't wann mess up this chance i care about you then are pudding come so we eat that and then conor paid for it again saying he is paying for anything tonight. The next place we went into tgis for cocktails then after we got in his car again i said is that it for tonight he replied nope i've got one last thing planed i replied really where are we going then he replied can't tell you it's a surprise.

We had been driving for about an hour and half so i said are we nearly their he replied yep were here now i looked out the car window and we was at the beach so he got out of the car and opened the car door for me i took my high heels off and left them in the car and shut the door behind me and we walked onto the sand then started walking across the beach after awhile we walked into the sea alittle bit then we started walking again then i pushed him and he fell down onto the sand then he pulls my arm so i fall on top of him then we stare into each others eyes then he kissed me i pulled and away and got off him and sat next to him. He said i'm sorry if i've just ruined it i only did it because i love you i looked at him we hadn't said i love to each other when we was toghether so i said what did you just say he replied erm i love you but it doesn't mattter does it because i've ruined it now i replied no you haven't i really enjoyed tonight because it showed that you listen to me and you know what i like and i can see that you care about me he replied i really do so would you be my girlfriend again i replied if i give u a second chance you promise you won't cheat on me again because if you do their won't be anymore chances that will be it he replied i promise i will never do it again so please will you be my girlfriend again i replied yer i will because i love you to then i kissed him. We went back to his car and he drove me back home and opened the car door again for me then he said why haven't you put your shoes back on i replied my feet hurt he replied pick up your shoes so i got them then he picked me up so i said what are you doing he replied carrying you to your house then carrying you into the livingroom and i will put you down on the sofa because you said your feet hurt.

He put me down on the sofa i said i loved night so i will see you tomorrow i replied where are you going he replied i'm going home because i don't wanna push my luck i replied i want you to spend the night so i can cuddle up to you he had a big smile on his face and said ok then he cuddled up to me on the sofa.

Normal Pov  

We had been up for awhile and ast said the boys wanted us to come round to oritse today ast was already so i went upstairs and got changed then i went downstais and said i'm ready he come up to me and said i love your bump to i laughed then said come on. We got to oritse's and he let us in and said how are you feeling i replied i'm ok but i feel fat i don't see how ast still thinks i'm sexy ast replied that's because you are and i love you also your the mother of my twins. We was all sat down and the sofa and was talking for awhile then marv's phone went off and he looked at it and said just great ast said what's wrong marv replied i'm suppose to have my son today because i've not spent all day with him because lizzie keeps saying i can look after him but then changes her mind and i was really looking forward to spending the day with my little man. Then marv said i'm gonna go and try and sort this out with lizzie. Oritse said so have you chose names yet ast replied yer we have nathan for the boy and lacey-may for the girl oritse replied their really good names who picked them i replied ast picked the boys name and gemma said the girls name so i picked it because i loved it.  

Marv's Pov

Why does lizzie keep stopping me from spending time with my son i got to hers and knocked on the front door and she answered and said what do you want i replied you said i could spend the day with my son but you keep saying i can but then changing your mind she replied come in so i walked into the living room and saw him playing with his toys. Lizzie said i keep putting off you seeing him because i see you going out drinking and being with different girls in the papers i replied 1 not everything in the papers are true and 2 i will always put my son first she replied ok but you can't be just having girls right when your minding him i replied i told you i won't unless it's a friend she replied ok i guess i can let you spend the day with him like i said.  

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