Part 13

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I had not seen my baby all day so it was dinner time so i went to where i had maths and opened the door and walked in and he was their doing some work i said hey their sexy he looked up and smile and got up and got to the door and went out and looked to see if their was anyone then the he come back and shut the door and we went where we could not been seen in the room if you were looking through the window in the door. He pushed me back against the wall and started kissing me i pulled away and said i wish it could be like yesterday all the time because i hate this i just wanna kiss or hold hands with you when ever i want he replied i know babe i want the same but you know that anyone can't find out that will tell then he kiss me i kissed him back and said i know it's just annoying he replied i know babe what about if you come round to mine tonight and stay then we can be on are own i kissed him and said ok will you come pick me up then later he replied of course.

Ast's Pov

I had not seen naomi today and marv and lizzie were are loved up and bryony was on her phone. I always wanted to find what marv has with lizzie but the right girl has never come along so i kinda guessed by now that i don't have a soul mate that's why i am with different girls so i'm not on my own and it's fun. I just walked off from the others and thought where naomi might be and i remembered that lizzie and naomi have been getting in trouble with their maths teacher so i thought i would try go and find their math class room. I finally found the room and quietly open the door to see if anyone was in the room and across the room naomi was kissing a lad and i didn't know who he was and if she was going out with someone she would tell us maybe if i ask lizzie or bryony and they might know so i closed the door again. 

I got back up to marv and lizzie and bryony must of gone someone where because she wasn't here so i said lizzie do you know if naomi is going out with someone lizzie did not look at me and said no she is not why i replied look at me and i just saw her kissing a lad in the room where she has maths lizzie look me in the eye and said erm like i said she is not going out with anyone me and marv both said lizzie your lying we have known you for years and we know when your not telling the truth. Lizzie said i can't tell you naomi would kill me if she found out that i told you i replied what is it and me and marv won't tell her that you told us lizzie replied ok but you can't tell anyone i replied ok we won't so what is it lizzie replied that lad naomi was kissing is our maths teacher she is kind of going out with him i was shocked then said that's against the rules he can't do that lizzie replied you said you wouldn't tell and he is really nice me and bryony spent yesterday with them and she is happy so don't spoil it please me and marv both replied ok we won't tell anyone. 

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