Part 79

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Normal Pov

I woke up and ast was still asleep so I got out of my bed and went and got a bra and underwear and put them on then got one of ast tops and put it on to then as I was heading downstairs I saw gemma walking out of her room with conor's shirt on. We got downstairs and went into the kitchen and I put the kettle on while we wait for it to boil I said so what's going with you to she replied nothing really I replied you don't fuck him then him asking me if he can stay over and be with you and you coming out of your bedroom with just his shirt on she yer your right I like him but I don't want to get hurt again I replied if he hurts you I will kill his arse I don't care if he is ast brother I won't let any lad hurt you she laughed and said thanks I can always count on you then she hugged me. 

Then just as I was making the brews bryony walked into the kitchen in what I can guess was aaron's shirt so me and gemma started laughing then gemma said so what happened with you and aaron bryony replied we slept together I replied yer that's what you do when you sleep in the same bed gemma started laughing bryony replied I know that but I meant I fucked him. Me and gemma started laughing then I said that's not like you bryony she replied I know but we both like each other and I wanted to. I had made bryony a brew aswell then while we was drinking our brews I said I'm guessing all the boys are still in bed then kieran come into the kitchen and just stared at me gemma said why are you looking at naomi like that he replied erm I'm sorry she just looks sexy and I'm going now thanks girls for a great night then he left. 

Then ast , conor and aaron come into the kitchen aaron and conor was shirtless because gemma and bryony had their shirts on and has just had his joggers on and he never wears a top so that nothing then ast come behind me and put his arm around my waist and said morning babes do you want me to cook us some breakfast I said yer I think everyone would love that and when I looked over to gemma and conor had his arms round her waist and aaron had done then same to bryony.

2 Weeks Later 

Gemma's Pov 

Conor had asked me out so we were going out now and it was going great when he did ask me out and i told naomi and conor told ast naomi told conor that if he hurts me she will hurt him and then ast had a talk with him which made me laugh that they were both protecting me. Me and naomi had been shopping all day but she had been feeling well for awhile now so i told her she might be pregnant and she said she wasn't because her and ast having been trying for ages but still nothing happens. We was back at naomi's and we was talking then i said i really think you should do a test to see if you are because if your not you know that's not the reason while you having been sick every morning she replied i didn't buy and test when we was out i replied well i did she replied your not pregnant already with conor's baby i replied no i got the test for you silly she started laughing and said go take it and do you want me to call ast and tell him he needs to come home she replied no because if it turns out i'm not it will hurt him like it did last time and i don't want to get his hopes up i replied ok now go take that test. 

After awhile she came down stairs and she looked upset i replied aww babe i'm sorry i know how much you and ast want another baby she replied you were right with what you said before i replied what do you mean i was right before she replied you were right about me being pregnant so i took that test and guess what i'm pregnant i replied aww really i'm so happy for you and ast and i will be here for you like i was with esme she replied thanx i know i can always count on you. 

Normal Pov

I couldn't believe after all the trying me and ast have done i'm finally pregnant again so me and gemma was talking about baby names even tho its was really early but she was more excited then me because she loved esme just as much as i did. Then gemma said so are you gonna phone or txt ast to tell him i replied ok i will txt then i will tell him when he gets to mine so i put

Hey babe i've got some great news to tell you when you come back to mine xx

He replied 

I'm coming back to yours now anyway i can't wait to heard what it is xx

I said to gemma he is coming back to mine now and i'm really nervous to tell him and i don't know she replied your nervous because of what he said the last time you told him you were pregnant with esme. About 20 minutes later ast was here and he come into the living room and said what is it babe i replied i'm pregnant he replied are you sure have you done and test like last time i replied yer i have and i'm pregnant he replied i can't believe we are finally gonna have a baby and be a little family then he kissed me then hugged me. As me and ast was cuddling up on the sofa conor come into the room and smiled when he saw gemma then gemma said what you doing here he replied i come with ast then he cuddle up with gemma. 

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