Part 78

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We was all having fun and had all been drinking for a couple of hours now bryony was getting along with aaron and the last time I looked to see where she was she was making out with him lizzie was talking to marv and ast and I admit I got a little worried when she was laughing at something they were talking about because of what happened. 

So I went up to ast and said you having fun and do you know where gemma is the last time I saw her was when she was flirting with marv and that was an hour ago and I don't know if she has left or if she is still here ast will you come and help me look for her replied sure babe so we finished are drinks and went to look for gemma and she wasn't downstairs or in the front or back gardened so we headed upstairs. 

We got upstairs and we looked in my bedroom then the spare bedrooms and the only bedroom we hadn't check was what lizzie claimed her room years ago but when I went out of their lives it become gemma's room because she help out a lot so we got even closer we more like sisters now. So we heard something coming from the room and we just walked in and was shocked at what we saw.

We had walked in on gemma and conor having sex ast said get in their bro I just started laughing and said is that all you can say ast after walking in on your brother having sex with one of my close friends he replied yer at least we know he won't just use her for sex I replied that's true then gemma said do you mind me and ast just laughed then headed downstairs. Ast then said at least we know where gemma is then started laughing and she is definitely your friend I replied so your saying I'm just as naughty as she is he replied no your naughtier I replied thanks for that and your just as bad as me he replied I know I'm just joking babe then he kiss me then we went into the kitchen to get a drink. 

Gemma's Pov

I said that was embarrassing then we both laughed then he said that was amazing and what's going to happen now between us because when I saw you tonight I thought you are gorgeous and I didn't like it when you was flirting with marv because I wanted you to flirt with me because i like you I replied how about we see how it goes between us and if it ends up going great then we will think about what we want to do. Conor then said is it ok if I stay here tonight with you because I'm having a great time I replied I'm having a great time to but it's not up to me to decide who stays over because its not my house it's naomi but I stay here some times that's why I have my own room. He got dressed and was just about to go out the bedroom door when I said what you doing he replied going to find naomi and ask her I giggled then he left. 

Conor's Pov 

Aww gemma made me laugh and she was really nice and she is gorgeous I just hope naomi says I can stay tonight then gemma said I can stay with her tonight. I got downstairs and went and looked for naomi and she was in the kitchen and her and ast were being are cute and loved up and I loved naomi for that for making him the happiest he has ever been then I walked up to them and said naomi is it ok if I stay over tonight because gemma said it's your house so if I wanted to stay with her tonight I should ask you she replied yer sure you can so I said thanx and then her and ast walked off and I heard her say if anyone wants to stay over tonight they can. I headed upstairs to tell gemma and I had a smile on my face while I was walking to her bedroom.

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