Part 62

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I woke up and looked to see if ast was next to me and he wasn't i'm sure he stayed with me last night maybe i just thought he did anyway i'm not gettin out of bed anytime soon. About 10 minutes later my bedroom door opened and ast walked in with a tray in his hands with food on he walked up to the bed and made me sit up then put it on my lap then he said what you smiling at i replied i saw you coming in because i thought you left he replied nope i made you breakfast i replied aww thanks your so sweet i love you he replied i love you to and you seem abit happy today i replied yer that's because i know that your going to be here helping me through it he kissed me then said yes i am. 

I eat the breakfast then he made then put the tray on the side table then pulled him onto the bed and onto me and kissed him he got off me and was lying next to me on my bed and said what was that for i replied because i love you with all my heart then i moved closer to him then he put his arm round the side of my waist and said i love you with all my heart to you my girl and nobody elses i giggled then said that's right and when do you want to see them video's of her he replied could i see them now please in less you don't want to i replied sure they are on my laptop he got up ran to get my laptop then got back on the bed next to me then give me the laptop so i went to the folder i had pictures and video's of her then give the laptop back to him and said you can choose what you want to look at the pictures or the video's he replied i will watch the video's first. After he had watched every video i had got of her and then he went through all the picture's of her he was crying more then me he said i can't believe how much she was like me and i could of had that but i was so stupid i missed having her in my life i will always regret that i just let you walk away with my daughter i put my laptop to the side and cuddled up to him and kissed his chest he said i love you then we just stayed in bed for abit.

Ast said i've told marv and bryony to come round because their still really worried about you i replied aww that's sweet of them and when they have gone can it just be us to cuddled up on the sofa watching tv or films he replied yer what ever my girl wants i replied aww your just to cute he just laughed. Then i got up and said i best get changed then he got to said yer you should i will be downstairs if you need me i replied why are you going downstairs he replied so you can get changed i replied you don't have to you have seen me without clothes on loads of times he replied i know but we have only just got back together and i don't wanna risk or ruin i ran up to my bedroom door because that's where ast was and kissed him and said i can't belive i have you back just don't say any of them nasty things like last time and you won't ruin it he replied i will never say any of them nasty words again because that's how i lost you i replied now you have me back he smile and replied yer i do.

Ast decided to go downstairs anyway so i got changed and did my hair and i didn't put any make up on because i couldn't be bothered. I got downstairs and went into the kitchen where ast was and said what you doing he replied making everyone a drink and babe are you feeling ok because you have no make up and when i tell you that you don't need it you don't listen to me i replied you make me laugh i love you for that and i can't be bothered to so i probably don't look that good he replied i like making you laugh and you look gorgeous like you always do i replied aww thanks then kissed him then got my drink then went into the living room and sat down then ast followed and give marv and bryony their drinks then cuddled up to me. Then we started talking to bryony and marv and they were asking if i were ok now and what's happening with me and ast so i told them.

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