Part 16

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We had been talking for awhile now then elliot said do anyone wanna go out drinking everyone said yes so elliot , ast and marv went home to get changed and me and lizzie just went upstairs to get ready i had phoned bryony and asked her if she wanted to come out with us and she said she didn't want to and she was being funny with me so something must be up because she always comes out with us so i think i might go round to hers and see what's wrong. We had music on full blast while we were getting ready i got changed did my hair and my make up lizzie walked into my bedroom and she ready we got our bags and went downstairs and then the front door went so i answered it and it was marv , ast and elliot and they all looked very sexy tonight. Elliot said their was a really good night club so we all agreed to go their for a change so we got into a taxi and headed their.

3 Hours Later

Normal Pov

We were all drunk but we all knew wot we were doing marv and lizzie was making out and me and elliot was talking to ast and elliot had had his arms around my waist we talked for awhile then me and lizzie got up dancing then after abit the boys joined us lizzie was dancing with marv and i was dancing with elliot and ast was dancing with a girl none of us knew. Then ast said does anyone want a drink so everyone said yer so ast said elliot will you help me bring them back and we can have alittle chat on the way their. Ast and elliot had gone off to get drinks and i was nice seeing marv and ast being nice to elliot and i don't know if they would still be nice to him if they knew what lizzie and bryony know.

Ast's Pov

Me and elliot got to the bar and he was ordering the drinks so i said i know something that would get you in big trouble he replied what are you talking about i replied i know your fucking naomi and she is one of your students because your her maths teacher and that's a big no no when your working in college your not allowed to be with any of the students he replied what are you talking about and where have you heard that i replied i didn't hear it i saw you and naomi kissing and you should stop it because it's not right so if i were you i would go home now and leave naomi alone and i will be happy to make up an excuse for you or better yet you give naomi an exuse why you have to go. We got the drinks and got back to the others and elliot just went straight to naomi and kissed her then that weird jealous feeling was getting wost so i looked at him and then he said something to naomi and then kissed her then walked off i said to naomi how come elliot left she replied he said he had to get home but didn't say why so i'm just gonna leave him for now and go round to his tomorrow i replied ok do you wanna dance we finished are drinks and then got up dancing and then that weird feeling went.

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To fall in love with someone you can trustTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon