Part 61

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Normal Pov

I woke up and i was still in the hospital and then i said aston he pulled me closer and so i'm still here babe what's up i replied i thought you had left me he replied nope i slept here with you. Aston said so babe we need to sort things out i replied i know but it's hard he replied why didn't you phone or txt me if things were getting to much for you i replied i didn't phone or txt you because i knew i was not wanted or my daughter and your big and famous now so why would you want me forcing my way into your new life and ruining it he replied i never meant to say them nasty things and my life hasn't been the same since you left i replied ok and yer but you have your son remember he replied i found out he wasn't my son a few months later when you walked out of my life and he is marv's son. 

Then he said so what's my daughters name my biggest regret was letting you walk out of my life and saying i don't want our daughter i replied she is called esme he replied aww thats a really nice name i love it and i already seen a picture of her because marv showed me and she is gorgeous and looks just like me so if you would let me i would love to see her i replied yer she is gorgeous and does look like you but you can't see her he got off the bed and said i get it i really hurt you but don't be a bitch and not let me see my own daughter i replied wow it didn't take you long to turn on me again well done he replied i'm sorry i just missed so much i want to see her and why won't you let me see her i replied you can't see her because my precious daughter esme died he replied OMG please tell me your lying i shouted WHY THE FUCK WOULD I LIE ABOUT MY DAUGHTER BEING DEAD IF SHE WASN'T and you didn't want her anyway he replied i know i wish i never said it i fucked up big and omg sorry can i sit next to you again i replied yer so he did.

He put his arm around my waist and said please will you tell everything about her i want to know what my esme was like and how old was she and when did she die i replied she died 2 days ago and she died on her birthday it was her 2nd birhday and she was like you in ways when she did her little laugh she would wrinkle up her nose like you do and she had your cheekyness and she had your gorgeous brown eyes and was like you in other ways to. I looked up at aston and he was crying his eyes out i said i'm sorry he replied why are you sorry it was me being a dickhead and because i was i've missed out on seeing my daughter i wish i could of seen what she was like i replied i know it's not like seeing or holding her but i have loads of video's he replied really please can i see them i replied yer their at home on my laptop and where does that leave us he replied i don't know but i need you i can't lose you i've already lost my daughter i replied i need you to i don't think i can get through this without you he replied i won't leave you again your mine for ever i giggled and said your mine to then kissed him. 

Then the doctor came in the room and said i can see your feeling better but someone needs to be with her just to make sure she doesn't try to do it again ast put his hand in mine and said i will be with her the doctor replied ok just be careful then if you want you can go home now or later it's up to you i replied i want to go now and go home with my ast i saw alittle smile on his face then i got into ast car and we headed back to mine.

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