Part 49

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Normal pov

Me and elliot was going out tonight for dinner. So I had spent all day shopping with gemma finding a outfit for tonight and she got a outfit for tonight aswell cause she was gonna go out drinking with some friends so she had left mine an hour ago to go get ready so I did the same because elliot was picking me up soon and he wouldn't tell me which restaurant we were going to so I went upstairs to get ready. 

Elliot came to pick me up then he drove to the restaurant we got their and it was the same restaurant me and ast had our first date and all that hard work of trying to push me missing ast like crazy to the back of my mind it came back to the front. Then elliot open the car door so I got out and we went inside and just great it had to be the same table. 

We had finished what we was eating then I kept thinking of what it was like when me and ast was here then I could feel my eyes filling up so I said I've got to go here is the money for what I had elliot replied what's up and you came with me in my car remember I replied yer I do I'm just gonna get a taxi and it's nothing for you to worry about. 

I got home took my make up off and got changed into ast top and hoodie then put some joggers on and went downstairs sat on the sofa and put the tv but wasn't paying much attention to it then just started crying I wonder if ast is missing me as much as I'm missing him and I am happy with elliot but I don't love him like I love ast but I still love elliot just not as much as ast. 

About 15 mins later someone knocked on the front door I thought it maybe ast saying he misses me but when I opened the door it was elliot so I said oh its just you he replied what's up and why are you wearing your ex's hoodie I replied cause I want to ok he replied ok so what's up with you at the restaurant I replied that is the same place and table where me and ast went on are first date elliot put his hand in mine but I move my hand away then I said you didn't know it's ok but I just want to be on my own tonight he replied I don't think that's a good idea I replied well I do so I will talk to you tomorrow he replied ok then went to kiss me put I moved so he kissed my cheek then he walked back to his car so I shut the door and went back into the living room and sat back down trying to watch the tv this time.

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