Part 64

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I said to gemma come on let's go different way then we started to walk off when lizzie said you really not going to talk to me i replied why should i you never bothered to talk to me 2 years ago so why now she replied i want to know how you are and who you are with i replied i'm fine if you must know and i'm back with ast she replied really didn't think you would get back together so how long have you been back together i replied well that was your fault you ruin mine and ast relationship and made him not want his own daughter because he already had your son but turn out he wasn't and if you must know a month but you made us not talk in 2  years and me knowing that he didn't want me or his daughter because he had yours she replied i'm sorry about that and hows your daughter. 

I said to gemma is she taking the fucking piss you must know what happened ast was talking about it on tv gemma replied she is not worth it so just try calm down i replied ok but how is it fair that she has still got her son and my esme died gemma replied it's not anyway come on. 

Lizzie said you lost your daughter i replied yer well done for just realising that after everyone knows now she replied i'm sorry to hear that and hows ast taken it i replied he feels so guilty he wasn't in his daughters life and some of that is your fault saying that was ast son when it wasn't if you didn't say that he wouldn't of missed out on his daughters life anyway i've got better things to do then talk to you then me and gemma walked off. 

We got into my car and i said do you think i was bitch to lizzie gemma replied no you have a right to she did ruin your relationship with ast and ruined your life i replied yer i guess your right. We got back home and put our shopping bags down in the hall and i saw ast in the kitchen so before i went in i said to gemma i don't think i should tell him she replied he needs to know he will be happy about it i replied ok i will go tell him now. So i walked into the kitchen and said babe i've got something to tell you but i'm scared at how your gonna react he replied babe what is it you have got me worried now i replied i think i'm pregnant he just stood their shocked. 

I said i knew it would happen all over again that's why i was scared to tell you because i don't want to  lose you again he replied your not going to lose me shocked because we have been trying for abit now and we finally might be having a baby and this time i'm gonna be in the babies life this time because i will always regret not being in esme's life i replied ok but i might not be pregnant so try not get your hopes up he replied have you got a test to see if you are i replied yer i got one before while we was out. He said go take it then i wanna know if i'm going to be a daddy with a smile across his face i replied ok i will now. If i'm not that is gonna hurt he because i can see in his eyes how much he wants to be a dad i got the test out of one of the bags and headed upstairs and take the test and a few minutes so i looked and it said.....

To fall in love with someone you can trustHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin