Part 21

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I went round to elliot's because it was early in the morning and their was not alot of people about so i got to elliot's and the front door was unlocked and he doesn't mind me just walking in so i did and then i was shocked when i saw elliot topless and bryony was coming down the stairs with him and then elliot said naomi can never find out about this bryony replied yer i agree she would hate me to.

Then elliot saw me and ran up to me and tried to say something i said i come over to yours because i missed you and i come here and find you and one of my close mates or should i say was close mate not anymore so what happend then or are you not gonna tell me anything elliot looked down and said errrm errm i replied spit it out you did what he replied we slept together i said so is this why you have been funny with me bryony and calling me a bitch when it was you stabbing me in the back fucking my boyfriend he replied it's not like that it only happen once and will you did kiss ast i shouted DON'T YOU DARE COMPARE A KISS THAT HAPPENED WITH ME AND ASTON TO YOU FUCKING ONE OF MY OLD CLOSE FRIENDS FOR GOD KNOWS HOW LONG. 

He said please listen to me it meant nothing between me and bryony it's you i love i slapped him and shout YOU CAN'T LOVE ME IF YOU HAVE JUST FUCKED ONE OF MY OLD FRIENDS and oh and if you have not got it into your head yet we are through and bryony your welcome to him and do you wanna know what's funny he replied their's nothing about this i replied their is i actually thought you were a nice guy and wouldn't break my heart but well done you proven me wrong i hope your very happy with yourself he replied i never meant to hurt you and can't we sort through this i really like being with you i replied nope we can't because i can never trust you again and i really like being with you till you did this so bye then i walked out the door.

I headed to a cafe and got a brew and sat down i just had to be on my own for awhile i couldn't get my head around what just happened my close friend was fucking my boyfriend oe should say now my ex then my phone went and it was a unknown number but i answered it and it was dylan so i said what do you want he replied i know you don't like me anymore but their's something i got to tell you i replied ok then i told him where i was. 20 minutes  later dylan came over to me and bryony was with him to then dylan said bryony begged me not to tell you but i think you have a right to know that bryony made a move on me and then slept with me and then again i replied your lying he replied no i'm not look i have proof then he showed my pictures on his phone i replied how could you bryony i thought you was my mate the only person you have not fucked is aston because you have fucked my ex and then fucked my boyfriend or should i say my ex boyfriend she replied it's not true he is lying to you i replied i've seen the proof. 

I then said is their anything else your hiding from me dylan replied yer she has been quite busy she told the college that the lad you was going out with was going out with a student and it wasn't an accident she planned to sleep with him to break you to up i was nearly crying by this point then shouted at bryony IS WHAT HE IS SAYING TRUE she replied yer it is but i'm sorry i slapped her and said you were the one calling me a bitch and your the one the stabbed me in the back then twisted it even more by doing all that do you really hate me that much and i don't know who you are anymore your not my friend so bye.  

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