Part 40

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Normal pov

I had just got ready then I was just about to order a taxi but then ast come round and offers me a lift there and then when I'm at the airport ast says how much he loves me thinking it would keep me there then he said please say your not going away with your ex elliot I replied I can't cause I am but were just going away just as friends he replied aww please don't do anything stupid with him while your away I replied by stupid you mean fucking his best friend ast replied how many times to I have to say I'm sorry for it I replied till I know you really mean your sorry anyway I have to go other wise I'm gonna miss my plane he replied your gonna do this then he pull my passport out of his pocket I replied how did you get this he replied I took it out of your bag to stop you going but I guess theirs nothing I can say or do to stop you going and this was my last chance at getting you back I replied you really are making this hard for me he replied sorry I will go now then he give me my passport then put his head down I said maybe I'm crazy cause my heads messed up but I still love you so kiss me he looked up and said what you want me to kiss you I replied that's what I said but it doesn't matter cause I really need to get on the then before I finished what I was gonna say his lips were on mine and I've never felt ast kiss me like this before I pulled away and said I really need to go he replied I've not finished cause this maybe the last time I get to kiss you then he pulled me close and kissed me again then I heard elliot say something but I got lost in ast gorgeous brown eyes should I really go with elliot or should I forget it and forgive ast.

As hard as it was for me to do I left ast and caught up with elliot and we headed to get are plane I looked back and ast look proper upset and was doing his puppy dog eyes which made it even harder for me to go but I needed to do this I need to get away and to try and have fun. 

We had just gotten off the plane and was heading to the hotel when elliot said I could see you still love ast a lot and wanted to go away with him I replied yer I do but I need to do this and forget all about it and have some fun. 

We got to the hotel and was checking in and I would of thought elliot would of got just one room so we would have to share but no he had got to rooms being the nice guy he is the women on the desk give us are keys then we headed to our hotel rooms. 

I put my stuff in my room and elliot put his stuff in his then he come into mine and said what do you wanna do I replied I just wanna relax and watch tv tonight but tomorrow we can sunbathe in the day and go drinking at the night if you want he replied ok sounds like a plan so do you want me to leave you on your own and talk to you tomorrow I replied if you wanna go you can or you can stay here for now and we can just watch tv together as friends he replied I would like that then he sat next to me on the sofa.

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