Part 37

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I just sat on the sofa and cried my eyes out even more and when a lad had broke my heart i would turn to lizzie but i can't this time because her and ast are the reason my heart had been broken but at least bryony was there for me to talk to and elliot was nice enough to tell me but i didn't believe him.

Someone knocked on the front door so i ignored it but they kept banging on the door so i got up and opened the door and it was ast his eyes were all red and puffy like mine are so i said i don't wanna talk to you then i went to shut the front door but ast put his foot their so the door won't close then he pushed the front door open and then closed it behind him. I said what do you want he replied i want to explain i replied you don't need to you fucked my best friend so obviously you don't love me as much as you said he replied i do love you and when it happened i was upset that i let the jealousy take over me and that i couldn't have you cause you didn't feel the same way at the time i replied yer but if you wanted me you would of waited for me you wouldn't have lied to me and fucked your best friends girlfriend. 

He tried to touch me but i moved away and said don't he replied i love you please don't leave me i replied what's the point you lied to me through out are relationship he replied i know i'm sorry but my feelings for you aren't a lie i replied i don't know if i can trust you anyway i'm going away for 2 weeks away from all this he replied please don't leave me i'm begging you i replid i have to for awhile otherwise i will end up hating you he replied oh ok but can talk when you get back and sort us out i replied ok maybe if i have cleared my head and calmed down.

He said just don't change your mind cause i really want you back i replied aston don't push me i said i will talk to you and sort things out between us when i get back so for now we are still broken up i've not changed my mind about that. He then grapped my arms tight and wouldn't let go and he pulled me close and kissed me i so could of let him win but i had to be strong and stand my ground and try to get out of his hands. I said let me go he replied sorry i really have ruin are relationship i replied i didn't say that i just think it best that we break up like i said he replied ok i really don't want you to go and leave me but if it helps me and you i will have to. He let go off me then put his head down and said i know you won't want me back when you get back so what's the point i replied wow i thought you knew me better then that i guess not so i think it's best you leave now he replied fine then be like that i've kept saying sorry but your not listening to me so bye.

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