Part 84

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Normal Pov

I got up and went downstairs and got some breakfast while I was eating it gemma come into the kitchen and made her self some breakfast to I said how are you feeling today she replied the same as I always do when it happens I replied if I was being honest I really did think he was a good lad but I was wrong to she replied I'm sorry about breaking you and ast up I replied don't worry about it maybe it just was never meant to be she replied why what do you mean I replied maybe it was never meant to be me and ast having a little family she replied I'm sorry I replied you have got nothing to be sorry about. 

Gemma said what are you gonna do about the twins I replied I'm gonna do what I did with esme and bring them up without their dickhead dad she replied yer he is a dickhead and you won't have to bring them up on your own because I'm gonna help you I replied aww thanx so what do you want to do today she replied maybe just watch films and relax I replied sounds like a great idea she replied I will just go home and get changed and bring some of my dvds over then we have loads more to watch. Gemma had gone home so I was just watching tv when my phone went off and it was a txt from ast and it said 

I've not changed my mind about us and I think after what you did I don't love you anymore if you could do that to my brother so have fun with your life 

Wow he really is angry at me and maybe he doesn't love me anymore because he always put love you and put loads of xx

I replied 

I did that to stick up for my friend and if your gonna be a dickhead and hurt me I'm gonna be a bitch to you and when the twins are born your not having anything to do with them so I guess you won't have the chance that you would of had with esme again

He really had hurt me what happened to him feeling guilty for not being in esme life when he could of and what happened to him wanting a baby with me and now he has , he has left me I knew this was gonna happen. Gemma got back and come into the living room with a bag full of food and dvds she put the bag down on the floor and could sat next to me on the sofa and said aww why are you crying so I show her the txt he sent me she replied why is he being such a dickhead after you to trying for ages for a baby and now you are pregnant with twins and has got what he wanted he has left you and did you replied and don't tell me you were are nice when he has hurt you this bad so I showed her the txt I sent him and she said hopefully that will scare him and get him thinking at how stupid he is being and come round to sort things out I replied hopefully but I don't think he will and anyway what stuff have u brought with u. She went and got her bag and showed me all the dvds she had brought with her and all the food she had brought to.

My twilight dvds were upstairs and I couldn't be arsed going up and getting them so I took the twilight dvd out of her bag and put it in the dvd player and went and sat back down next to gemma on the sofa then she said jacob is better then edward I replied no he is not she replied yer he is I'm team jacob all the way I replied your wrong he isn't I'm team edward all the way then we both started laughing I said I'm just gonna get something to go with them cheese and onion crisps gemma just started laughing at me and got some chocolate out of her bag. 

Then she said its starting your gonna miss it I replied ok I'm coming back now so I sat down on the sofa again and put some salad cream into the bowl I got then I put some mayo in it to and mix them together then opened the cheese and onion crisps and dunk the crisps in it gemma looked at me funny then said that's disgusting you know that I replied i wouldn't normally eat it but it's what I'm craving gemma started laughing then we started to watch the film.

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