Part 59

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Normal pov

Bryony brought me home yesterday and I just sat on the sofa crying then someone knocked on the front door so I answered it and it was dylan and he said is bryony here I replied yer but she is going no where with you he replied yer she is and I forgot to ask how's your daughter then he smirk I replied you were the driver he replied yer I was I replied I'm gonna fucking kill you. 

I kicked him in the balls so hard he screamed out in pain that I carried on hitting him then bryony came out into the hall and saw what was happening so she pulled me back I said get off me he killed my daughter so he needs to pay bryony replied your not a bad person let him pay for it in prison I replied ok phone the police then and theirs no way I'm getting done for that so I went upstairs got my make up bag then came back down. 

Bryony said what are you doing I replied just adding a few bruises and a few cuts so that scrum will gets what he deserves bryony replied good idea put some on me and he will get more time in their so I had done mine then I did bryony's then dylan said you will never get away with this. Then the police come and asked us what happened so me and bryony told them then they said he won't be bothering you girls anymore he will be going away for along time so as they were taking him away he looked back and bryony mouthed told you we would get away with it. 

Marvin's pov

Bryony had phoned me saying that naomi really needs me and their was something I needed to know. I went round to naomi's and bryony let me in and said naomi is in the kitchen but had a knife at her wrist saying she has got nothing to live for. I went into the kitchen and bryony wasn't lying naomi was a mess I said naomi its me please put down the knife and tell me what's wrong she replied no I won't and let's see my daughter die yesterday on her birthday I'm getting divorced I lost my soul mate more then 2 years ago and he didn't even want me or esme but wanted my best friends baby I replied what have you got a picture of esme I would love to see her she told bryony to get her phone and show me and when I saw the picture she was the spitting image of aston. 

I said she is gorgeous and I know it feels like theirs nothing left but their is everything is gonna be alright she replied yer she was gorgeous and I don't believe you so bye. Then said cut her wrist then fell to the floor I couldn't believe she had just done that so I told bryony to ring an ambulance she did the ambulance come quite quick and bryony went with her. I said I had to do something then I would be their.

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