Part 10

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Little did anyone know i already knew how big is dick is he then come out to where i was a shut the door and walked up to me and checked to see if anyone was around and their wasn't so he pushed me up against the wall and started kissing me i started kissing him back then pulled away and said did you really not like they way me and lizzie were being like he replied yer then when i saw you were doing your work and being good i was just hoping you would do or say something so i could send you out of the room and pretend i was having a go at you outside the class room i replied good idea and it worked now people are thinking i'm in trouble now. He then said are you doing anything tonight i replied no why you thinking of doing something he replied well i was thinking that we could go for a meal like on a date i kissed him and said great idea i will make up an exuse why they can't stay at mine tonight and what time do you wanna pick me up he replied about 8pm and why would you have to tell them i replied they stay at my house sometimes and if the house is free we can do what we want he realised what i said then said i guess we should get back then before they start to notice how long with have been out here i agree he kissed me then i think you should wipe that lip gloss of your face because they will find out he replied good idea now go on you go first. I walked into the room and sat next to lizzie then he walked back in the room and carried on with the lesson.

The rest of the day dragged and i was happy to be going home lizzie asked what happened when we was in maths so i told her that he was not very happy with me and she started laughing. Then i said are you staying at marv's tonight because your haven't been their for awhile lizzie replied no my parents are moaning that i've not been home for ages so i'm going home to stop them moaning i replied ok have fun then started laughing she pushed me i said so what you doing bryony she replied same as lizzie i've got to stay at home i replied ok i've got a date so i will ring you girls tomorrow and tell you about it they replied great can't wait to hear all the gossip.

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