Part 50

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I got up and had a shower and then got changed into then i could not even be bothered to put alittle make up on which i always do but not today i went downstairs and made my self a brew then the front door went so i put my brew down on the kitchen table then went to answer the front door. 

I opened the front door and it was gemma so i said i don't want to do anything today before you say anything she come in and went into the living room so i went and got my brew then went into the living room to and sat down on the sofa. 

Gemma said you can't be alone like this why don't you get elliot to come round to cheer you up i replied i don't want elliot to come room she replied come on he is your boyfriend he will cheer u up i replied i want ast but i can't have him so i'm with elliot instead she replied i know you miss ast but your happy with elliot i've seen the way you and elliot are together i replied yer i am happy with elliot. 

The front door went again so i said have you told elliot to come round gemma she replied nope i wanted to talk to you first i replied ok i believe you then i got up and answerd the front door and it was lizzie of all people that just made it worst. I said what is it you want you already have ast she replied i don't want ast and i want to sort things out between us and do you know how upset aston is that your not with him i replied he won't be upset he would of got over me by now and you say you don't want ast yet you must because you fucked him twice that i know of and now your having his baby she replied he is proper upset and that was a mistake what happened with me and ast but he loves you not me he will always love you know one else. I said i want to believe you but i can't then lizzie look in pain then had her hands on her bump so i said what's wrong she replied i've got a pain i think their is something wrong with the baby i replied come on then let's take you to the hospital gemma come out of the living room and said where you going i replied to the hospital with lizzie gemma replied i thought you to wasn't friends anymore i replied i know but i can't let her go on her own and i don't like seeing her in pain still after what she done. 

Then i took lizzie to the hospital and when they were seeing to her i phoned ast and told him about 10 minutes he got here so i told him what happened then said i hope everything will be ok for lizzie and your baby so i will let you get to your lizzie and baby he replied she is not my lizzie i don't love her i love you i replied i love you to but it's to hard so i will let you get to your little family you have now. Ast grapped my hand and said please i can't take it i miss you to much i replied i know i'm missing you like crazy but it's for the best if we don't get back together before of us was crying then i pulled my hand away from his and walked away.

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