Part 87

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Me and ast was cuddled up on the sofa and gemma was on the other sofa when ast said what do you want to do today i replied maybe we could think of what we gonna call them and maybe do up one of the spare rooms as the babies room and then we can start getting all the stuff for the babies because we have really only got clothes and other little bits he replied how about we chose a girls name and a boys name then we go paint the room then when it's dry we can go shopping tomorrow and put the stuff in the room for when the babies come i replied sounds like a good idea. 

We was talking about baby names for awhile and we didn't like the ones we was coming up with then ast said babe please can they have my last name please i replied i wanted to have the same last name as my daughter and son and if they have your name they won't he replied i've got idea you could how my last name i replied are you asking me to marry me he replied not yet but in the future i would love you to be mrs merrygold i replied i would love to be mrs merrygold to and i like the idea of getting married to you in the future but not now.

We carried on talking about baby names and then ast said what about Nathan for are little boy i replied i love it now we just need to think of a girls name we thought of a couple then gemma said what about Lacey-May for the girl me and ast both replied yer i love that name. Then ast said what colour are we doing the room i replied what about half pink half blue he replied that's good then their's half each then gemma said what about if you put their names on the wall to i replied yer i like that idea ast replied ok i will go get the paint and stuff then i will be back and we can start on the room i replied ok then kissed him then he headed out. I said so do you want anything to drink or eat while we wait she replied yer if you don't mind mind i replied of course not i will make us something now. 

We had just finished eating when i heard ast go upstairs then i heard someone else go up the stairs to then they came back downstairs and ast came into the living room i said what was you doing he replied i was taking the stuff up stairs for us. Then conor come into the room so i said what is he doing here ast replied i asked him to help so you don't have to do much i replied just because i pregnant doesn't mean i can't do anything i can still paint a room ast sat next to me and said i know babe i just trying to make it easier on you and it will get done quicker i kissed him and said ok then i turned to gemma and said are you ok with him being here she replied yer i'm ok. 

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