Part 58

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2 Years Later

Normal Pov 

I hadn't seen aston or lizzie and aston never phoned or txted saying he wanted to see his daughter which is his lost and i hadn't seen bryony i think she moved away with jay and gemma and hannah had been their for me all the way through the pregnancy and elliot had been amazing helping me bring up Esme she was gorgeous she looked the spitting image of aston and me and elliot got married and i still talked to marvin for time to time but him and aston were famous now they were in a band called JLS. 

It was esme birthday today she was 2 today and she was with elliot shopping for her present even tho she had loads of present today at home but elliot wanted to get another present because he loved spoiling her which was sweet i was out shopping for stuff for the little birthday party esme was gonna have and when i was coming back i bumped into bryony and she looked like shit it didn't look like my best friend she looked like someone else so i said hey bryony where have you been i thought you had moved away somewhere with jay after i said jay's name she just started crying and said can we go somewhere and talk i replied yer so we went to a little cafe.

When we got their i said so what's up bryony so she told me and i give her a hug and said why didn't you come to me i would of help you get through it and so who are you with now she replied i'm with dylan and what's been happening with you i replied what the fuck are you doing with dylan and i told her about esme and all the other stuff that had happened she replied when jay died and dylan kept saying that who ever i was going to be with he would hurt and that i was his so i just give up and went back to him and omg i can't believe aston would be so mean to you and can i see a picture of esme i replied do you want to be with dylan and yer i got my phone out of my bag and showed bryony a picture of esme. Bryony said she is the spitting image of aston and no i don't want to be with dylan but know one else would want me i replied i know she does and yeah they will i know jay was your soul mate but their will be a guy out their for you that will treat you right she replied i have no where to go if i get away from dylan i replied yer you do mine and when you get back to mine your calling the police and telling them about dylan she replied ok thanks for being here now. Then my phone started ringing and it was elliot and he sounded upset and said that him and esme were in a car crash because of a stupid driver i replied ok i will be at the hospital in 20 minutes i told bryony and she said she would come with me. 

I got to the hospital and was in the room where esme was and it broke my heart she was hooked up to loads of wires then half an hour later they all went off and the doctor did everything to save her but it wasn't enough. I shouted at elliot THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT GET AWAY FROM ME YOU KILLED MY DAUGHTER he replied it wasn't my fault you know how i much i love esme and i would never hurt her i shouted GET OUT then he walked out the room and then bryony said aww i'm so sorry i'm here for you ok i replied thanx then she hugged me and i just cried into her shoulder.

To fall in love with someone you can trustHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin