Part 24

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I got to hannah's and i had not seen her for ages because she doesn't  live near london we was sat down on the sofa and caught up with whatt's being going on in our lifes and then when i told about this morning she couldn't believe it i said now can you see why i needed to get any for a week she replied yer i understand. I said i can't believe bryony would do that to me i've never done anything to hurt her then only people that haven't hurt me are lizzie, ast and marv she replied wow and are lizzie and marv still together i replied yer their so cute together then my phone went off and it said new message from ast and it said 

Hey i know you have only left but i can't wait till you get back and we can go on our first date and i know i'm getting head of my self but i can't wait to call you my girl Axx

I replied 

Hey aww your so sweet your really excited about our first date when i get back bless you and aww merrygold really likes a girl :p xx

He replied 

Your so cheeky and that girl is you and only you and what you said is true i really excited about our first date and i won't txt you now so you can clear you head and i hope you have a great time with your friend hannah Axx

I replied 

Aww thanx and i will see you when i get back xx

Me and hannah just eat junnk food and watch some films then some tv.

1 Week Later

Normal Pov 

I was great being away from everyone back in london and i had chance to clear my head and it was a fun hangin out with hannaha again because i had not seen her for ages so we was either shopping or going out drinking. I had got back home before and was watching tv now and when i got home i phoned ast to see if wanted to come round and he sounded really happy i asked him. 15 minutes ast had come round and hugged me and said that he missed me and said why don't we go for something to eat so i agreed and we headed out we was half way to nando's i saw bryony and dylan were in the alley way next to a cafe just what i need i go away to push it out of my head then i come back and they there but something didn't seem right dylan was pining bryony to the wall and she was crying and she looked like she feared for her life. 

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