Part 70

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Normal Pov 

I woke up and saw my dress and shoes and the floor and some lads jeans and a lad next to me who the fuck was he I could hardly remember anything my head was banging then as I moved to get out of my bed the lads hands went round my waist and I felt sick who ever the lad was all I wanted was my ast and I've cheated on him they pulled me closer so pulled away and got out of my bed and shouted FUCK OFF I DON'T KNOW WHAT WE DID LAST NIGHT BUT DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME. 

Then when I looked down I was wearing one of ast tops which made me even more confused I ran into the bathroom and shut the door and sat with my back to the door and I started crying how could I have been so stupid to cheat on ast when he is my world. I realise I had bruises on my wrists and I don't know why so I took the top off and my bra and underwear and got into the shower and just scrubbed myself clean but I still felt dirty I felt like a slut I don't deserve ast. 

I should of listen to him when he said I shouldn't go out with bryony and them lads drinking because when I tell ast I'm gonna lose him forever. I put a towel round me and when into my bedroom and I couldn't find my bag from last night just great it had all my stuff and I've gone and lost it. I remembered I had a old phone I don't use anymore so I found that and got it and got some clothes to put on and a bra and underwear I went back into the bathroom and put them on. 

Then I brushed my hair and let it dry naturally because I couldn't be arse drying it because I felt like shit I didn't even put any make up on then I pick the old phone up and checked to see if it had lizzie's number init and it did so I txt her 

Hey I think I'm ready to listen to what you have got to say so meet at the little cafe in the shopping centre 

She replied

Hey I didn't think you would ever talk to me again and thanks for letting me explain and should we meet up at 2pm x

I replied 

Yeah sounds good I see you then 

I put the phone down and the only problem was I had to get that lad out of my bed and then go tell ast I cheated on him.

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