Part 81

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1 Month Later

Normal Pov

Me and ast had found out we were having twins and it was a shock at first but we are both happy and ast was over the moon about having a girl and boy because he can do all boy stuff with his son and he can treat his daughter like a princess. Now that i had a little bump he liked putting his hand on it and out of all the times he could of introduce the other to boys in the band he decides to do it when i'm getting fat. We went to marv's because he said they will be their so we got to marv's and he said would you like a cold drink i replied yer and ast asked for a drink to then me and ast went into the living room and sat down on the sofa and cuddled up together and he hand his hand on my little bump then marv come into the living room and put the drinks down on the table and sat on the other sofa and said so how's everything going ast replied it's going great i could'nt be happy i replied you left out that i'm getting fat ast replied you still look gorgeous though i kissed him and said thanks. 

Then i said so where are them lads you want me to meet then the door went so marv answered the front door then he come back into the room with to lads one with a hat on and the other had a patten in his hair so all of them sat down on the other sofa then the one with the hat on said is this the girl you keep going on about he replied yer it is she is called naomi i replied you talk about me all the time boys replied that's all he ever talks about i replied aww that's so sweet. Then ast introduce the lads the one with a hat on was called oritse but they call him reesh and the one with a patten in his hair was called jb so we started talking and getting to know them then oritse said so what are you having ast replied were having twins a girl and a boy he replied aww i'm happy for you your gonna be a little family soon and you look really cute together i replied aww thanks oritse that's sweet of you to say we talked abit more then we decided to go back to mine and cuddled up.

We got back to mine and the door had been forced open and the place had been trashed everything was all over the place ast told me to go upstairs so i wouldn't get hurt because they were probaly still don't stairs i got upstairs and went into my room and everything was all over the place and then i saw theo my heart sunk so i screamed ASTON then theo came running up to me and pined me against the wall with his hand round the front of my neck then ast came in and said leave her alone if you want to hurt someone hurt me not her she is pregnant after ast had said that theo had an evil look in his eyes then pushed me on to the floor then got out a knife from his pocket and ran towards ast.

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