Part 52

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I woke up in ast arms and it felt right and when i looked up i saw ast smiling at me i kissed his chest and said you do know that we are only hurting our self's because like i said i think it's best if were not together he replied i don't think that because if we were not made to be together why do we end up keep coming back to each other without trying to i replied it's not that simple as that i'm with elliot he replied oh do you love him and who does your heart say it wants to be with i replied i love him but i'm not in love with him like i use to and my heart is with you it always has been and always will be he pulled me closer to him and said so what's your answer then you wanna give us another try that includes the baby i'm having with lizzie i replied i guess i could try with the part because i love you so much. 

He said that's great how about we do what we did last night i pulled away from him and put my legs either of where his boxerline would be and sat on top of him and started kissing his chest and making my way up to his lips after i kissed him i pulled away and said does that answered your question he replied yer it does then leaned up and kissed me i said i can tell you want me because i can feel your dick against the bottom of my back he started kissing my neck then down to my boobs then he looked at me with his cheeky smile i said your such a tease he replied you love it i kissed him then said i do love it then we carried on teasing each other for a bit then it got heated again. 

After we had finished he hand his arm around of my waist and i had my head on his chest then he pulled the cover over us then said i love that i can say your mine again i replied me to but first i have to break up with elliot he replied oh yeah do you want me to come with you i replied no it's ok you could lend me some of your clothes then i will have to come back won't i then he tickled me and said you will come back cause you love me i kiss his chest and said i will cause your right i do love you then he leant me some of his clothes then i headed to elliot's to break up with him.

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