Part 69

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I got to the nightclub and got out my car and headed in i had phoned gemma on the way and she was going off her head saying she wants to kill him i told she can't because i will be doing that and gemma said she would go their try find her if she got their first. I went to the bar and looked around and saw where naomi was and she looked out of it and she had her eyes closed and he had her hands pinned up over her head and he had pulled the straps of her dress off her shoulders he was just about to rape her so i ran over pushed him off her with such a force he fell to the ground and hit his head anger just took over and i just kept punching him till i heard gemma say ast you take naomi home she will need you i replied ok but what about him he can't get away that easy he needs to pain for hurting my girl gemma replied don't worry ast i will beat the shit out of him no one does that to naomi and gets away with it i replied thanks gemma.

I picked naomi up so i was carrying her and i walked over to where bryony was with to guys and said bryony have you got naomi's bag please she replied yeah its here i replied will you keep hold of it till tomorrow and then come round with it. This guy started talking to me and i said was it you that phoned me he replied yeah i thought you should know and i'm sorry that he did that he is not normally like that when he comes out with us i replied if it wasn't for you he would of raped her but thanks to you i got here in time he replied it's no problem mate she is a really nice girl and she loves you alot and your lucky to have her i replied i know. 

I said will see you tomorrow bryony and gemma is here she is just busy at the moment but when she has stop are you going home with her or do you want me to drop you off at home because i don't really want you on your own after what's happen and i know you to seem like nice guys but after what happened can you blame me the guy next to bryony said i understand mate you hardly know us and your just looking out for your friend i replied she is naomi's friend really bryony replied ok i will come with you and what about gemma how she getting home i replied her car is outside and she really knows how do take care of her self she replied ok then she said bye to them to boys and we headed to my car.

I got to my car and put naomi lying down in the back seat on my car but more sure she would be comfy and not hurt her self and bryony got in the front and i got into my side. I dropped bryony off at hers then headed to naomi's i know she would want to be at hers so when we got to hers i got out of the car and opened the car door where naomi was and picked her up again and made sure my car was locked then headed in side i shut the front door and took naomi upstairs i was going to go in the spare room but i didn't want her to be alone i wanted her safe with me so i went into her bedroom and put her down on her bed and took her shoes off and put them on the floor and then took her dress off and then took my top off and carefully put it over her head and pulled it down so she would be comfy then i put the covers over her so she won't be cold. I looked in her wardrobe to see if any of my clothes are here and a pair of my joggers were i took my jeans off and put them on and got in bed next to her the only reason i put them on is so it doesn't scare naomi because she is gonna be confused tomorrow because i don't know what she will remember.

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