Part 25

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I told ast and we walked over and i said are u alright bryony she replied no please help me i was made to do them things by dylan i replied ok we will talk after this dickhead has let go of you dylan pushed bryony harder into the wall and said stop tell her lies you stupid bitch and now your have to make it up to me bryony replied please don't do it i tried to get dylan of bryony but he just pushed me and i fell on the floor ast came over to me and said are you ok i replied yer will you just help bryony. Ast got up to dylan and pushed him off byony and then ast punched dylan but dylan puched him back then ast puched him that made dylan fall to the ground and ast kept punching him and said how dare you scared the hell out of bryony and then push naomi so she would fall and that's not the way to treat a girl your suppose to treat her like a queen and with respect and your suppose to love them. 

I shouted ASTON STOP IT  ast looked at me and then he stopped and grapped dylan by his jacket and said if you ever touch or go near naomi ,lizzie and bryony me and my mates will put you in the hospital you got that and for the first time ever i saw fear in dylan's eyes and before i knew it bryony ran up to dylan and grabbed him tight by his hair and said you ever come near me again and i will kill you then she kicked him in the balls and he fell down and while he was still down she kicked him in the stomach a couple of times. 

Ast put his arm around my waist i said in his ear that was sweet what you said about how to treat a girl he smiled then said that's how i'm gonna treat you then he kissed me i said to him is your eye sore he replied yer a bit i replied will this make it better then gently kissed where it was red near his eye then he smiled and said it's much better now i just laughed then i said are you ok bryony she replied please will you hear me out why i did those things i replied yer i will then we left dylan in the alley where he belongs.

We was sat down in the cafe and was drinking our brews when bryony said what dylan told you was not all of it i replied your joking their is more she replied well he left out that he made me do them things i did and he would not let me go and when i didn't do something he wanted me to do he would rape me i replied OMG how many times has he done that to you she replied twice and he was gonna do it again if you wouldn't of showed up i replied i'm so sorry i didn't believe you and listen to your side of the story and god he has put you through hell she replied it's ok i get why you didn't believe me with all that went on it was alot to take in at once and yer it was hell i thought it would never end. 

I got up and hugged bryony then sat down next to ast and said aww i'm sorry i did not know if you want me i would like to be your friend again bryony replied don't be sorry you didn't know what really was going on and i would love to be friends again i missed you i replied i missed you to bryony replied so what's going on with you and aston i went to replied but ast jumped in first and told her with a smile on his face bryony said aww that's cute you would make such a cute couple ast replied i think so to.

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