Part 74

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Aston's Pov

I dropped naomi's bag and just stood their shocked i did this if i wouldn't of pulled her bag she wouldn't of fell she just lay their not moving was this really happening i can't lose her. I quickly took my phone out of my pocket and phoned for ambulance and then put my phone back in my pocket and ran down the stairs and got to naomi and put my hand behind her head to see if their was anything their and when i looked at my hand it was full of blood then i checked to see if she was breathing and she wasn't and she had a weak pulse. Then the ambulance got here and put her in the ambulance and i went in it to i was not leaving her alone like this then they took her to hospital and when we got their they rushed naomi in their and wouldn't tell me anything then took her somewhere to see how bad her injuries were. 

I asked then and they said they could only tell family members i said her parents are dead they replied i'm not surpose to do this but if we have any news i will tell you anyway who are you i replied i'm her boyfriend. I was waiting in the waiting room and i phone bryony ,lizzie and marv i didn't have the numbers to call naomi's other friends after a while they got here and asked what had happend and if i knew if she was gonna be ok i replied they haven't told me anything and i'm really scared of losing her and i told them what happend at hers as well. They said she is gonna be ok we just know it i replied thanx but you didn't see her how bad she looks and when i put my hand under her head she was bleeding bad and wasn't breathing and hardly had a pulse bryony said aston calm down she is gonna be ok. 

1 Hour Later

They have still not been told anything i said i just know their gonna come back with that i'm sorry for your lost look i just know it and they all said their not they will come back soon with some news. 

Half an hour later a doctor came up to me and said she is ok but it's a pretty nasty head injurie she has got she should wake up in a few days if everything goes well and i'm sorry but she lost the baby i replied she is not pregnant he replied well it says here she was but it was to early for you or her to notice i replied oh ok and can i see her he replied only one person can i replied where is her room he showed me and i went in and it was just like she was asleep so hopefully she will surprise everyone and wake up tomorrow because i can't lose her she is all i've got. 

I have now lost 2 babies maybe i don't deserve to have one because who doesn't want their own daughter she was gorgeous and just like me maybe esme was surpose to be are only child maybe that was my only chance to have a family with naomi and i blew it. 

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